
Автор:  Anastasia

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"Yes, I was one of those scientists who came from US to explore the parasite case."

Nicolai stopped: "You came to help us to get rid of that damned little things?"

I nodded, then pointed at my bloodstained shirt: "I had one of these parasites in me, I’m just lucky he’s gone now." The men exchanged glances and I saw an expression of respect appear on their faces.

"How did it happen you’ve been left?" Nicolai asked. I had a strong feeling he was something like a chief in this group.

But then he added: "I’m asking too much, you need some rest now, I can wait till we get home." In silence I was asking myself what he meant by home but I was relieved to be alive – and to know that no one even supposed I could still live. Then I thought about Lindsay. I just couldn’t stop thinking about her and now I imagined all the pain she went through. I could almost feel it, her every tear. And I knew she’d accuse Peter of leaving me alone while he could help me although she understood it wasn’t his fault. It was mine.

We came to a little village. In the first few minutes I stood, enchanted by the picturesque scene in front of me. It was just like one of those scenes from a postcard, from a fairy tale: the setting sun, snow awash with all kinds of colors from rose to deep blue, sparkling under its rays, the little houses against the darkness of the forest. I wished Lindsay could be here with me to see it, we could be together here, just the two of us. However Nicolai wasn’t a daydreamer so we made our way to one of the houses. On the torch Nicolai paused and cried out: "Anna, we’ve got a visitor, mind it cooking the supper." He took off his heavy parka and we entered the house. It was not very large but warm and cozy, ill – lit by the light of the oven and the setting sun. "Anna, this is Connor, we found him in the forest." A tall slender woman smiled at me. She was what I always thought a Russian woman would be: sparkling blue eyes, long fair hair and an air of friendliness around her, reminding me of Lindsay. I smiled back: "Nice to meet you."

"He speaks Russian?" she quizzically lifted her blonde brows. "He does and very well," answered Nicolai with a chuckle. "You do well, Connor." "Thanks," I replied, "I try my best."

"Well, now you have to tell me what happened to you and how you came to that damned plant," proposed Nicolai and I started to tell him everything that happened from the day Elsinger called me. As I finished, his eyes were thoughtful.

"I think I saw her," Nicolai said slowly.

"Who? Lindsay?" my pulse quickened.

"Yes, it can be only her. She didn’t want to leave; I heard she quarreled with some men. I don’t know what about, I’m not that good in English and besides she spoke too quick for me."

"Poor Lindsay," I sighed. "I’ll kill this Elsinger as soon as I know how." "We’ll make a plan," decided Nicolai, throwing me a reassuring glance. "You can always be sure of my support." "I can’t describe how grateful I am to you," I answered, touched by his words. I saw he was pleased and not to show it he said briskly: "I hope you’ll stay the same nice guy you seem to be."

After a week in the village, my wounds healed. I could normally walk and did my best to help Nicolai and the other men in the village. It seemed to me I’ve been living forever, in this peaceful solitude of a Siberian winter. But my thoughts gave me no rest: I knew I had to do something about Elsinger, I had to act quickly. Then one day Andrej, Nicolai’s friend told me about some men busy to build up the plant. I knew immediately that it had something to do with Elsinger. The next day I talked to Nicolai and went to the plant. There were really all kinds of machines and to my horror, I saw Elsinger talking with someone who appeared to be a politician. I could hear them very well from the place where I hid.

"She’s becoming a real pain in the …," Elsinger complained, looking at the man.

"But you told me she’s not dangerous, Doyle was the only one who knew too much!" the stranger answered harshly.

"I thought he was! I never considered the possibility that this jumpy chic loved Doyle! You know, she keeps talking about me killing Doyle. Now everyone thinks she’s hysterical but she can’t be considered hysterical for ages. And she’s no way stupid: I’m quite sure she’ll find out about our plan. Then I envy neither you nor me. She won’t stop till she kills us!"

It was just what I thought: they were going to kill her, to kill my Lindsay.

"It’s your problem, Frank, you have to find a way to get rid of her," the gloomy stranger took out a cigarette.

"I’ve got a plan, that’s why I let rebuild this plant," a smile appeared on Elsinger’s face, the kind of smile I hated. "We’ve got some voice recording of Doyle, I’ll ring up Lindsay as "Doyle" and then she’ll do everything I want. I’ll bring her here to the plant and then after she’s dead I’ll tell anyone she got contaminated and preferred death to tortures," I’ve seldom seen Elsinger so pleased with himself.

"I hope this time you’ll succeed," the man answered. "For your sake."

I didn’t hear Elsinger’s reply because the two men started to go towards the waiting car.

I had to act, now that I was sure about the plot; I had to do everything possible to save Lindsay. This was the least I could do for her.

The next week I was busy planning the escape. I went twice to town to call Lindsay but each time I did it, there was no one home and I was afraid to leave a message, which could reveal that I was alive. So I had to plan everything considering the fact I couldn’t warn her, prevent from going too far. Every day I went to the "ruins" like I called the plant to check on Elsinger and his men. There were none.

I didn’t sleep at night, thinking about future, especially after I understood I couldn’t talk to Lindsay after all. We couldn’t stay together, there would always be Elsinger on my heels, and no matter what happened and the last thing I wanted was to endanger her, the only woman I really loved. I knew I had to stay in Russia, perhaps even in this village forever, anonymous among the people. There was so much to give up: my job, my friends, my team and Lindsay. But it was the only possible way, I thought, the only way to turn back to past and to start a new life.

I could feel something would happen from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning. It was the 24th of December, a Christmas Eve. It wasn’t a holiday in Russia though and Anna was very surprised as I told her, there was Christmas in US. However I didn’t have time for talks, sure not to lose a minute I went to the ruins. This time my gut instinct was right, I knew I could always rely on it. There were people everywhere, running, talking and installing something what I considered to be a bombe. The show could begin, I thought, and this time you’d lose, Elsinger.

A car came in the afternoon after all the workers disappeared. My throat tightened as I saw Lindsay coming out of the car. From the distance I couldn’t see her face but I could bet it wasn’t as joyous and smiling as always. That was just the right time so I sneaked into the one of the corridors I knew very well now. Soon I saw her, talking to Elsinger.

"Do you want to do it yourself or should I?" he reminded me of a snake just like always.

Lindsay threw him a scathing look: "Thanks, I’ll be fine on my own." Elsinger smiled but I saw he was somehow uneasy: "Then I’ll go, Beta team and I will wait till the plant blows up and then we’ll head Archangelsk and tell the government there about a horrible accident. Poor Ms. Donner, she couldn’t be saved! I guess Peter will be very sad, he always liked you."

The door closed. I waited for a couple of minutes; just to be sure he was gone and walked out of darkness to face her.

"Lindsay," she turned around and in this moment I knew all my plans were foolish and I would never let her go again.

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