The Way to Go

Автор:  Anastasia

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"Come in, girls. Any news from Angie?"

"I’m sorry, Mr. Leons, I’m afraid Chelsey’s condition is no better," Lindsay said.

Chuck’s face saddened: "Poor girlie. She’s my only daughter, you know, a real treasure. Surely I’ve got Brad and Pat but you see it’s hard to cope when one of your kids is ill. Especially if it’s as bad as this."

"I know what you’re talking about, Mr. Leons, but I think we may be able to help Chelsey by trying to find the reason for her present state. Do you know anyone who’s able to try to kill your daughter?" Mia continued

"Kill my little darling?" exclaimed Chuck.

Lindsay remembered that she hasn’t told either Angela or Chuck about her research: "Mr. Leons, our team has found evidence of a gift in Chelsey’s injection. That leads to a conclusion that someone has tried to hurt her."

"Goodness, but why on Earth her?"

"That means you don’t know anyone," concluded Mia.

"Heavens, no. No one I’m acquainted with would be able to kill a child."

"Just think about what we’ve said, okay?" Lindsay proposed. "If you remember a name, just call." She handed him her card. "One of our team is always available."

"Thank you," the man said. "I’ll do my best. I have to find out who’d hurt my Chels."

Mia and Lindsay bid their farewell and headed the car.

"You think he means what he says?" Mia asked.

"He does. He’s even more distressed than Angela. Poor guy. Well, we’ve found out nothing. I wonder whether Pete and Doyle were more successful," replied Lindsay, closing the car door.

"Coming with me?" Lindsay asked, jumping out of the car.

"No, thanks," Mia replied, "I prefer to stay here. Who knows what happens when you tell this doctor it’s over? I’ve seen too many detective films!"

Lindsay smiled at her serious way: "Okay, if I don’t return in twenty minutes, call 911 and Doyle".

"Oh, stop bossing me round, Linds. And don’t tease!"

They both were laughing as Donner left the parking lot and headed the hospital.

"May I speak to Doctor Jenks?" Lindsay asked at the information.

"Have you got an appointment, Miss?" the woman attentively eyed her.

"No, but it’s very important."

"I’m sorry, in this case you’ll have to come another time. However let me…"

"I’m not going to listen to you for the next hour," Lindsay snapped. It was already late, she was tired, hungry and longing to be back home with Colleen. Besides she was fed up talking to the nurses who always thought they were more important than the doctors. "I’m NOT going to wait here, is that clear? And it’s NOT the right time to send me away. Because I have to talk to Dr. Jenks about an attempted murder. Have I made myself clear?"

The woman paled and backed away, trying to preserve at least some dignity. As she disappeared behind the door, Lindsay idly wondered whether it was the best way of talking to people. Two minutes later the woman interrupted her musings, telling her with hurt pride: "Doctor is ready to see you."

"Of course only five minutes," Lindsay grinned as she realized that was exactly what the woman wanted to say. Entering doctor’s room she thought that the years with Praeger did its toll. Praeger would have been proud of her.

"Lindsay Donner?" Doctor Jenks stood up. "How nice to see you! Did Mrs. Authar get it right? You want to talk about murder?!"

"Yes, Dr, about attempted murder of Chelsey Leons."

"Oh my God," Jenks’s face was drawn of color. "I knew she’s been hospitalized but wasn’t it anaphylactic shock?"

"That’s what we thought. Till I found succinylcholin."

"How that?" the man looked genuinely distressed.

"I hoped you’d be able to tell me that. It’s been added to the usual paregorics you have used."

"Oh dear, how horrible! I’ll throw away all the ampoules, I have to make sure that no more patients are injured."

"Doctor Jenks, if you haven’t done it, then who else?" Lindsay gazed directly into his eyes.

"I wish I knew," the man shook his head. Then his expression changed: "Harvey Trudge."

"Who’s that?"

"It’s the new anaesthetist. You see, the old one was got ill last week and then we had to hire a new one. But he’ll be gone tomorrow. Greg – that’s the old one – is coming back then. He had troubles with his stomach."


"Yeah, he said he never had any before."

"I bet someone did it for him," Lindsay said.

"Damned, I should have known," the doctor exclaimed.

"Where’s he now?"

"He’s about to appear. Let’s wait then?"

"Yes," Lindsay nodded absentmindedly, then suddenly asked: "May I use your phone. Just for several minutes?"

"Sure," Jenks was put out but nevertheless courteous. "You’re welcome."

Lindsay rapidly pushed the buttons.

"Mat?" she didn’t wait for him to go on. "Remember Trudge? Yeah? Well, the guy came out of jail and just tried to kill Dana. Not now, stupid, week ago… no, another girl got hurt… yeah, I’ll do it… Sure, I’ll call the police… sure about that? .. right, have a nice holiday then. And greet Dana! Take care!"

She pulled out the mobile phone and quickly dialed: "Police? I need a panda car here, an attempted murder. With all the evidence."

Her next call didn’t take place.

"Ms Donner, are you waiting here for me?"

She span around and saw Harvey’s gun pointed at her.

"And I’ve thought I’ve got rid of you and that nosy Praeger."

"Sorry, you haven’t," replied Lindsay, looking at the armed policemen right behind Harvey, who signed silence at her.

"You’ll never learn, will you? You’ve almost got killed last time – a pity I shoot that badly – still you won’t stop."

"Look who’s speaking!" Lindsay said, "you’ve tried to kill Dana, forgotten?"

"No. That was my revenge."

"Planned as bad as everything else. Dana’s gone now, tanning. And you’ve hurt a kid."

"Enough of that, Donner. You won’t survive this time."

Two shots sounded at the same time as Lindsay stooped and leapt out of the bullet’s way. Harvey fell to the floor, bleeding. Mia burst into the room, pushing aside the policemen.

"Linds, heavens, you’re okay?"

"Right as rain," Lindsay grinned at this old expression, "just a bit heart beating. Not everyday a guy points a gun at my chest."

"Connor will be delighted," Mia said sarcastically.

"More delighted than you think," Lindsay replied bitterly. "It would be easier for him if either me or Rebecca dies."

"Don’t talk rubbish," but Mia was frightened by the look in Lindsay’s eyes. "Linds, think of what you did. You’ve saved Dana and Chelsey’s going to be okay. Her mother just called."

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