A Quiet Presence. Part III

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Anton has suggested we bring Axon back here to accompany him on the trip home.”

“Because he’s uncertain as to the nature of the relationship and wants to keep it in a controlled environment?”

“Partly. Mostly I think he just wants Peter to actually see what happened, where he was and that the decision was Elsinger’s and not Doyle’s.”

“I’ve never doubted Anton before, alright. Report on my desk in the morning, you can make arrangements to get him here now if you like.”

“Thanks, I’d still like that shot at Elsinger.”

“No problems, we have identified one officer who we cannot account for, he was the head of security on Doyle and was directly under Elsinger’s control.”

“He’ll go after Doyle.”

“Yes. Would fit, but we have an MP on point and the house is wired for security. Nevertheless, given our guest wants to go home, I would prefer not to have to explain his assassination.”

“Neither would I.” Matt rubbed his neck and sat back. “How are the NID boys handling the situation?”

“Closed ranks as we suspected, however, this is factional and not part of the main mandate and surprisingly enough we are getting cooperation. Curtis Rollins on the other hand.” Bob smiled.

“Oh yes? How is Curtis?”

“Up to his neck in shit old friend. He and Elsinger hatched the plan. Sealed orders that Doyle was given prior to the accident included details of the genetic experiment. Doyle knew from that moment that his life was forfeit. However, he refused to endanger his team, and he pulled the plug a lot earlier than Elsinger planned him to.”

“Got a copy of the orders?”

“But of course, Doyle sent them direct to his attorney.”

“Who still has them?”

“No we do, we intercepted the documents from the OSIR three weeks ago.”

“Good, now MackInroth.”

“Do tell.”

“Financial records don’t stand up to scrutiny.”

“We knew that.”

“Did you? Did you know the destination of the money, or the committees he funded against the US Government? Which included fundamentalist groups who had actively targeted the US at home and abroad?”

“You can prove that?”

“Yes, and a lot more, calm down Bob, MackInroth will be tried for treason and this mess will not rate a mention.”

“Excellent. Now I suggest you make travel arrangements and call Axon.”


“Hey Ray says you’ve taken my best girl out on a date.” Matt groused down the phone line.

“She was my best girl before she was yours, besides I’m here and you’re not.” Peter laughed as Lindsey rocked slowly in her chair, the remnants of chocolate cake left on her plate.

“Well I guess it’s only fair.”

“Because?” Peter wiped his mouth on the napkin.

“Because I had dinner with your lover.” Matt said slowly.

“If this is a joke Matt.” Peter warned his voice as cold as the arctic tundra.

“No, no it’s not. Peter, Connor is alive and is with Anton at the moment. When you get home there will be travel documents courtesy of the US Government, pack a bag and one for Connor.”

“Shit.” Peter became still, a smile warring with the tears. “You’re serious.”

“Yeah I am, Elsinger and Rollins have a lot to answer to Peter, and can you put Lindsey on?”

“Oh yeah sure.” Peter handed the phone across.

“Hello beautiful.” Matt drawled down the phone line.

“Hey Matt, what’s going on Peter looks like he’s seen a ghost.”

“Almost, I’ve found Connor.”

“Oh my God.”

“Alive and well. Get Axon home and packed. There’ll be a car sent for him within the next couple of hours. Play it close Lindsey, get Ray to run a secure environment around the house and tell him that if he needs orders that Anton’ll do it personally. In the meantime I need you to stay with Peter’s dad.”

“We expecting trouble?”

“We’ve got trouble Lindsey, I’m trying to fix it. Can you get in contact with Kelly and make sure he’s safe as well? Tell him Ant music did the trick and to follow his heart. He’ll know what I mean and he’ll also know it’s come from me.”

“Playing spy games Matt?”

“I never play and you owe me one date.”

“I think we owe you a great deal more.”

“Is that an offer?”

“Matt.” She warned softly a blush on her pretty features.

“Go, run. Get him ready I only have a thirty hour window here.”

“Not a problem.” She closed the connection and turned to face Peter. He was stunned, and tears tracked his face as he got up and walked across the street to the lighthouse and stared over the water.

“You were right.” Lindsey said softly.

“I know.” His voice was tight as he turned back to look at her and hugged her close to his chest.

“Oh God Peter, he’s alive.” Lindsey began to laugh and felt his arms tighten. “He’s really alive.”

For one of the few times in his life, Peter Axon was silent as joy washed through him and the ache in his heart subsided.


“So Connor, what do you remember?” Anton crossed his legs and flicked the switch on the small recorder on.

“Not a lot, I remember the gas plant and Peter. He came back and tried to drag me out, but by then I was pretty out of it.”

“You had a parasite in you?”

“Yes and it was reaching maturity. I can’t explain Anton, I knew it was a queen, the other creatures surrounded us and I let Peter believe they wanted a new host. That it was him they wanted.”

“You believe it was you?”

“No, not me, they were instinctively protecting the host of their queen.”

“Go on.”

“Peter ran and I grabbed the nitrogen spray and kept them back, I gave him as long as I could and then reached for the handle on the generator. I never made it.”

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