Everything in Time

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Normally, I would be; however, this time I’ll be in the bar with you, it’s the only choice you have, Connor.”

“Wait, are you forbidding me from doing my job?” Doyle narrowed his eyes and Peter just smiled.

“No, I’m forbidding you from getting hurt; the difference may be subtle but there is a difference.”

“You said yesterday that you’ve been to this bar. Any place I should know about?”

“Yeah, there are a couple of private rooms out back. I’d steer clear of them and the toilets. Unless, of course, you want to change the orientation of your sex education.”

“I’ll pass, thanks.” Connor slipped the jacket on.

“You’ve been in these bars before, haven’t you, Connor?” Peter looked down at his hands, concern gnawing in his gut.

“Years ago.”

“Well, they don’t change. Go to the bar, order mineral water, and sit exactly where he tells you too. He’s likely to get fresh with his hands; are you prepared for that?”

“Not completely,” Connor admitted.

“If you flinch too much, he’ll know you’re a plant; you’ll have to relax and remember the slave holds the power, the master’s power is only there because the slave grants it. The master dictates his desires, and if they match what the bottom wants then they team up; but if it’s not what you want, you can walk without any problems. He, on the other hand, won’t.”

“Because he wants this?”

“By now he’ll be dripping in anticipation. Remember, he can pick up a fuck on line in under ten minutes if he’s in the mood. He’s looking for something more; he needs to fulfill a particular need that is not necessarily something he can get willingly. So, you’ll be a rare gem for him.”

“So, is he likely to speak the same way as he does on line?”

“More or less; he’ll ask you to be his slave, but he will ask. You decide how to play it, if you’re uncertain and he wants you, let him pursue you, don’t give him too much control, and keep him hungry.”


“Scared?” Peter put his hand on Connor’s shoulder and squeezed gently.

“Fucking terrified.”

“Good, he likes timid.”

“Yeah, well...” Connor laughed nervously.

“I’m serious, Connor, if you don’t want this thing to blow up in your face you’d better act like a vestal virgin in there.”

“Getting protective now, are we?” Connor teased lightly and regretted the words.

“I’ll kill anyone who gets too close, Connor,” Peter admitted, his gray eyes awash with regret and resignation.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Peter; I survived the Navy, remember?” Connor smiled.

“Looking like that, you need a border patrol.”

“Peter, is there something else we should be discussing here?” Connor asked as Peter drew next to him on his way out the door.

“Not that I’m aware of,” Peter answered, avoiding the dark eyes.

“You’re hiding something from me, Peter; something I should know.” Connor was so close now that Peter could smell the aftershave and his body tingled with heat.

“Probably,” Peter admitted.

“Then tell me.” Connor pressed closer.

“When this is over maybe, not before. I have to get the wire ready and change. I’ll see you before you go.”

“All right.” Connor nodded and caught Anton’s eye.

“You’re sure about this?”

“Not entirely, Anton. I’m more worried about Peter.”

“I’m not anymore, Connor. He is too focused to be a cause for concern.”

“Somehow that is not inspiring confidence in me.”

“You don’t like going into gay bars?”

“I have no problem with going into a gay bar, nor do I have a problem being the bait normally.”

“But you’re not certain you can pull off being a sub?”

“I spent all of last night in a few of the chat rooms, getting used to the culture. It’s a little intimidating,” Connor admitted.

“Remember, if it gets to be too much pull the pin and walk.”

“I’ll remember.” Connor smiled and took a few moments for himself.

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