Everything in Time

Автор:  Ravenschild

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Miraculously, Peter pulled the belt from his throat and crawled across the shards of glass and timber that littered the room and pulled Connor into his arms as he rocked slowly and the world faded to gray and then black.


He felt cool cotton against his skin and tightness around his chest. Sensitive fingers found bandages on his throat and he saw the canula in the back of his hand. Light filtered through the open windows. Connor was curled into an armchair, wrapped in a blanket.

“Hey.” Peter blinked when he saw the ashen face staring back at him and frowned. “Hospital?” His throat raw and swollen, all he could manage was a croaked whisper.

“Yes. Been out for nearly three days.” Connor rested his elbows on the side of the bed and reached out to gently trace the side of the tired features.

“You okay?” Peter blinked back tears as pain throbbed through his body.

“I’m fine. You’ve got a few cuts that will scar and the laceration on your throat was superficial. Anton’s worried that they may have damaged your kidneys when they put the boot in.”

“Don’t remember.” Peter winced as he tried to roll onto his back.

“Any of it?” Connor helped him move.

“No, all of it, just not specifics like where they hit me.” Peter swallowed hard.

“Oh, well. I’ve called your Dad; you’re on sick leave for a couple of weeks. Anton says you’ll need a cane and I wasn’t sure what you’d want me to do,” Connor finished softly as Peter reached out and petted the dark head that rested on the bed.

“You did good, love, don’t fret.” Peter drifted as the pain warred with his fatigue and he was vaguely aware of Anton’s presence.

When he woke again, Connor hadn’t moved; neither, it seemed, had he, his hand still firmly placed on the dark head as Connor’s eyes flickered in REM sleep. Anton smiled.

“He loves you.”

“Yeah, so I’m finding out.” Peter smiled despite his discomfort.

“I assume it’s mutual?” Anton frowned and looked at the clipboard.

“Fraid so.” Peter sighed. “What happened?”

“We broke the back of the cult and rounded up the entire coven, including a startling number of initiates in the private sector communities. They ran a vast network of drug trade throughout a quarter of the US. Connor shot Denisoff when he was about to slit your throat.”

“Remember that.”

“Connor had a mild breakdown; we had to hospitalize him overnight to stabilize him. He’s on stress leave but Frank needs him to organize his files and notes on the case so we can close it. After that, I’m assuming he’ll spend some time with his mother in Martha’s Vineyard and relax. He’s been through a huge trauma.”

Peter nodded. “Me?”

“Month’s leave, your father will arrive in the next couple of days to take you home. Frank refused to accept your resignation and put you on full pay until you get back.”

“If I come back.” Peter swallowed again.

“Still considering leaving?” Anton raised an eyebrow. “I can’t say I blame you; this was a tough assignment, especially when you have to face down your lover’s killer.”

“Worked it out, huh? Smart doctor.” Peter grimaced.

“Actually, I figured it out sometime ago; but it was none of my business, unless you want to talk about Nick.”

“Not especially.”

“All right. I guess everything in time, huh?” Anton patted his arm. “You’ll need a cane when you leave for a couple of weeks; but since your father’s a doctor, I’m sure he’ll know what to do. I can’t offer any words of advice, Peter, just take it easy and give him a chance.”

Connor stirred on the bed.

“Make him go home and get some rest. He hasn’t left you since you came in.”

Peter carded his hand again through the thick, dark hair, luxuriating in the texture and feel, and found he drifted back into sleep. Too many questions to ask and then there were questions he wasn’t prepared to have answered. Later, when he felt better maybe; but, right now, knowing Connor was safe and that the demons had been men all along lifted a weight from his heart and he sighed. Connor rubbed his cheek into his palm and settled back into sleep. Anton was right, everything in time.

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