The Way to Go

Автор:  Anastasia

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"Good," suddenly Donner felt leadentired and looked just as exhausted. "Tell Doyle I’m going home."

"You think he’ll come to visit you?" Mia asked.

Lindsay threw her a sad look: "No, Mia, he won’t. Not any more."

"Final case log, Doyle reporting. The case of Chelsey Leons is over. Chelsey Leons is getting better each day, her coma doesn’t seem to leave any traces. Harvey Trudge is serving a sentence for the attempted murder of Dana Praeger and injuring of Chelsey Leons. His only goal was to get rid of Praeger and his family as was revealed during the investigation. Senior Data Analyst Lindsay Donner has already told the jury about the first Trudge case they’ve investigated with Praeger. Doyle, end."

Two weeks later.

Lindsay stood up from the chair and looked out. It was the same picture as an hour ago: the gray sky, gray clouds, rain beating against the window pane. But she didn’t feel sad or depressed, she felt happy. He was alive and everything was going to be all right.

Lindsay still woke up at night, remembering the car crash in which Rebecca died. The truck, the squealing breaks and the time that seemed to stand still as the black Jeep hit the truck and flew through the air. The moment it hit the ground and remained lying there, just a heap of metal, burying Connor and Rebecca underneath.

She didn’t know what happened, why Rebecca hasn’t seen the coming truck. Probably she was blinded by rage and jealousy, having seen Connor with her in park. But it wasn’t important now: Connor lived and they would have had another chance if not for Becca. She remained between them, a silent ghost, an eternal reproach.

"You’ve killed her," everyone told Lindsay as she went to Rebecca’s funeral in Lough Erin. This accusing still rung in her ears.

"Oh, Connor, what have we done this time?" Lindsay whispered, stooping to kiss his forehead. "But I promise you I’ll always be there waiting for you. Nothing matters. You know how much I love you."

However as he stirred, she was already gone, leaving the hospital room deserted.

Connor slowly opened his eyes.

"I love you too," he whispered into the empty darkness. "And I know you’ll hear me talking. No more pretending, Lindsay, I promise. No more talking of guilt. No more taking wrong chances. Just you and me. That’s the only right way to go."

The End

31 October, 2001 - 11 March, 2002,
by Anastasia.

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