A Quiet Presence. Part II

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Donner.” Her tone did not hide her ill humour at having been woken at four am.

“I’m looking for Peter Axon.” The male voice on the end of the phone contained a slightly hysterical note and Lindsey frowned.

“He’s asleep, who’s calling.”


“What do you want Mr. Shonbrin.” Lindsey was concerned that he had called the hotel and not through Central as all of their calls on assignment would be.

“You have to tell Peter, I’ve got the name of the people dealing Nexus and I want to see him to give it to him.”

“You can give it to me.” Lindsey looked over at Peter and saw him move restlessly on the bed.

“No.” He all but shouted the response and she was fully alert.

“Okay. Answer yes if you can Mr. Shonbrin, are you in trouble?’

“Yes. You must have him meet me at the club. I have to go. One hour Miss Donner. Please.” And the phone went dead in her hands.

Lindsey shook Peter awake. He reached for her pulling her down into the bed and burying his face into the crook of her neck. Despite her concerns she laughed and rubbed him with lazy strokes.


“Who was on the phone?” his voice was muffled by her throat sending tiny waves of vibration through her and she pushed him back as she giggled.


“Here? What did he want?” Peter sat up and scratched his head.

“Want’s to see you at the club, he says he has the names of the suppliers and dealers.”

“Oh good, we can go home.” Peter yawned and stretched.

“Peter, there’s something terribly wrong with this. He sounded bad and the call came direct. Did you tell him where you were staying?”

Peter stood up and began pulling clothes over his naked body. Lindsey looked in awe, she had seen her fair share of naked men, but he was beautiful. Long lean lines of sculptured muscle stretched over his body and his satin smooth skin glowed pale gold in the lamplight. Something else she never had to the chance to see till now were the two tattoos on his body. The one on his left shoulder was a skull and dagger with the words ‘Semper Fi, Do or Die’. She recognized it immediately as Marine Recon. And the other was of an exquisite tiger draped elegantly across his thigh and down his leg. He stopped as he pulled his shirt down over his chest, his stomach a firm six-pack of muscles and Lindsey looked away.

“You’re blushing.” Peter laughed.

“You’ve got tattoos.” She reddened.

“Only two.” He smiled. “And you’re still blushing.”

“You’re naked.” She replied.

“You’ve just slept with me naked for the last five hours Lindsey, you should be immune by now.”

“Normally I would be.” Her mouth was dry.

“Hmm?” he cocked his head to one side and slid on his runners. “In answer to your question no I didn’t tell him where I was staying, and protocol has all of our numbers as unlisted even the cell gets routed through the lab. Wake Curtis and tell him and get Ray to meet me at the club. When did he want me there?”

“In an hour.”

“Okay. Come on.” He kissed her on the cheek and handed her the phone as he finished dressing.


Shon’s head snapped back as the hand belted him again. “You fucking stupid bastard, you know till about ten minutes ago you were going to live.”

Blood spilled down his lips as he tried to focus from behind the bruised and swollen eye.

“Jackson, the OSIR people will know that this is a set up, thanks to our friend. Have your people on point, but out of the way. I want Axon and the girl in here before we start negotiations. Keep Mr. Shonbrin alive until then.”

“And after Dawson?” the massive black man asked.

“After Jackson, you can finish what you started.”

Jackson smiled, his foreboding presence became evil incarnate as he lifted Shon’s battered body from the floor. “My pleasure.”


“Ray?” Peter spoke into the comlink and opened the channel to the mobile lab.

“Got your six.” Ray answered with a chuckle.

Lindsey connected her own comlink and stepped up with him.

“Get back Lindsey you’re not coming.” Peter squinted in the dark alley. No movement could be seen but instinct told him that he was being watched.

“Yes I am. I won’t let you go in alone.” Lindsey planted her feet apart and stared at him.

“Axon, Donner.” Rollins voice came over the comlink.

“Here.” Peter answered.

“We have a security team on standby along with local law enforcement. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes sir,” Lindsey replied coolly, “when I spoke to him he said he was in trouble and was insistent that Peter come to see him.”

“Did he say alone?” Rollins quizzed.

“No he didn’t.” Lindsey dared Peter to speak as she glowered at him.

“Alright, proceed with caution. Donohue will be right behind you.”

The door to the club opened and Shon stumbled out, a gun pointed to his head as he was held up by the scruff of the neck by a large menacing looking black man. Lindsey gasped in shock as blood poured from a dozen wounds on his face.

Peter stood up from the car and stepped forward he took his tan coat off and dropped it on the hood of the car and spread his hands wide showing he was unarmed.

“Let him go and we’ll talk.” Peter said calmly.

“You Axon?” The black man asked.


“Can’t let him go. You have what we need, you give it to us and we’ll deliver your playmate back.” The man squeezed and Shon moaned as his knees buckled.

“What do we have?” Peter inched forward his eyes wary as he took in the shadows.

“Come closer.”

“Peter be careful, three men moving fast on thermal imaging from inside the building.” Ray warned into the com.

“So now I’m here, what is it I have that you want?”

“The Chemical breakdown of Nexus and the delivery method.”

Peter laughed. “I thought you already had that.”

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