A Quiet Presence. Part II

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Touch?. You were always closer to your mother than me, but that’s my fault son, not yours, and you’re right. I don’t understand what you see in another man, but what I knew of Connor I liked and the effect he had on you was undeniable.”

Peter slouched against the desk his face turned from his father as he stared out at Connor’s garden.

“I love him Dad, and I’ll do anything to bring him home.”

“I know and I pray that that will be possible for you but you have to face the reality that it may not be.”

Peter laughed mirthlessly. “I’ve faced that reality for nearly two years Dad. All I know is that he’s not where he should be if he were dead. I believe I would have felt him, on some level and he wasn’t there but I can feel him here.” He touched his chest and turned to face his father, his face calm and almost serene.

“I can’t argue that son. What’s the situation with the OSIR?”

“Meaning?” Peter sat down.

“Well I expect part of the reason you were prepared to resign was because of Elsinger and Rollins. Now that they are no longer an issue would you stay?”

“I admit their offer is flattering but I doubt it Dad. I need a fresh start. Besides Anton has a reasonable compromise that may just work.”

“Oh yes?” Ray smiled.

“He wants me to consider being a Special Consultant to the OSIR, which means I’d get to do some investigations and still take the chair at Harvard.”

“Good money?”

“Don’t need money Dad- I have more than I can spend. It’s about the work, I’d go nuts doing nothing.”

“I never realised how passionate you were about the work you do. It’s more than a job for you isn’t it?”

Peter nodded.

“And that was part of the appeal of Connor?”

“Oh no, that he was a scientist was a bonus, his appeal was purely sexual.”

“You’re a lot more open now than I’ve even seen you.”

“Probably because Dad, you never really saw me.”


“So Psychology was your primary bag?” Matt asked as he sat down on the chair in Connor’s room.

“And Geophysics.”

“That’s an eclectic mix.” Praeger laughed. “So how many PhD’s do you have?”


“And you’re how old?” Praeger tormented gently.

“Thirty nine.”

“Scary. Hey I do have a surprise for you.”

“Oh yes?” Connor pulled his robe about his body and paced restlessly.

Matt dipped his hand into a bag Connor didn’t see him bring in and put a pile of real clothes onto the bed. “I know they are probably not really what you’d normally wear but I would think even jeans are better than being in army surplus or hospital gowns. Get dressed.”

“Is that an order?” Connor smiled as he ran his hands over the woollen sweater and linen shirt.

“Only if you want to get out of here.”

“As in now?”

“Right now.”

“Give me ten.” Connor smiled as he took the clothes to the bathroom and quickly changed.

“And counting.” Matt yelled through the closed door. “Anton will be here later today.”

“Good. Does he know who he’s evaluating?”

“Ah, no. Hurry up I’ll wait outside.”

Praeger caught his breath. Even in the slightly large sweater and commandeered clothes, Connor was a long way from the tired and strained man he’d seen last night in a hospital bed. His broad shoulders and strong features were softened with intelligent eyes and a truly sensual mouth. He was smaller than Praeger would have thought but strong, remarkably so as he strode out into the corridor.

“Where to now?”

Praeger pointed to the ceiling.

“Up or out?” Connor asked hopefully.

“Both. Here you’ll need these.” Matt handed him a pair of sunglasses and watched the complex play of emotions on the normally restrained man.

The ride up was the shortest and longest in Connor’s life; he expected to feel a sense of elation, and was grateful of the silence in the man next to him. It wasn’t until they cleared the compound and began to walk through the small park area that Praeger spoke again. The sun warm and comfortable on both their shoulders.

“Thank you.” Connor said softly as he stared at the trees and closed his eyes behind the dark glasses.

“Hey, my pleasure. So you would know that since you’re a psych major it’s important for Anton to see you as a person not as a victim in a hospital bed.”

“Shrewd Matt. However, I still don’t see why you’ve gone to this extent.”

“You’re a liability to the President, fortunately I have something Bob wants, otherwise you’d be pretty much toast by now.”

“You always shoot straight from the hip Matt?”

“Always. Besides, I got what I wanted.”

“Did you?” Connor cocked his head to one side and slowed down.

“As much as I can.” Matt admitted with a grin as he fished in his pocket and withdrew a small envelope. “You will be required to answer a closed investigation into the matter, but that will be purely window dressing for several of those involved in the experiment. Elsinger will be made to go away and Rollins has been suspended and won’t be re-instated. We’re not certain as to the level of involvement he has had with Elsinger’s plans. Once we’re sure we can take punitive action from there, however, NID is very thorough and will treat him with extreme prejudice.”

“As they will treat me and anyone in connection to me.” Connor sat down on the slightly damp ground and picked at a blade of grass. Matt squatted and looked the man in the eye and shrugged.

“I doubt it- there is some high level involvement here Connor. Most of what you can tell them will be about Elsinger; the rest is my job. Besides Bob’s made it clear he wants MackInroth, and I can deliver him out of this nest with no repercussions in the media or political circles.”

“Just what are you?” Connor leaned back on his hands and squinted, the sun burned his eyes and they watered, despite the sting it was a good feeling and one he didn’t want to trade.

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