A Quiet Presence. Part II

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Actually I’m a Mechanical Engineer and I worked with Interpol for a long while and went to Jo’burg after a flight went down. I met Bob in the diplomatic corps and he needed a couple of favours.” Matt shrugged again. “So I guess in answer to your question a criminologist with connections.”

Connor nodded, knowing there was more but he wasn’t in the position to push the issue now. Instead he let his eyes drift to the envelope in Praegers hand.

“Oh these are for you.” Matt handed it across. “You didn’t believe me when I told you Peter was alive. These were taken a couple of weeks ago at Lindsey’s party.”

Connor folded his legs underneath him and opened the small package. Several photographs tumbled out and his fingers stilled on Peter’s face. The handsome features stared back and Connor saw the lines of pain etched around the mouth and eyes. Oh God the eyes… it was said that they were the windows of the soul and Connor caught his breath as he saw the pain too clear in the vivid storm grey eyes. He’d lost weight too, not a lot and the photos underneath showed that he’d bulked up considerably in the time apart as well. But mostly they showed how far he stood apart from the others, even with Coop and Anton, Peter’s body language was reserved and isolated, the only one who stood close to him was Matt. The man in front of him now who was, if he was to believe the story, taking him home and giving him back his life, was the only person in the entire group of photographs on his lap who looped an arm around Peter’s shoulders and smiled amiably for the camera.

“It seems I have a lot to thank you for.” Connor spoke softly as he pushed himself up from the damp ground, his body protesting at the movement.

“Nah. I’ve taken the liberty of having your things, such as they were, moved to the house they’ve given me.”

“House?” Connor rubbed at his knee.

“One of the guest houses. It’s small but at least it’s not cramped and it doesn’t smell like army issue.”

“I don’t have to go back then?” there was fear in the voice, a small hitching that most wouldn’t notice but to Matthew it felt like a knife in his spine and resolved him just that little bit more that Connor should go home to Peter and all doubts fled.

“Only for assessments and even then I would think that Anton can do those at the house. I’ve withheld you calling Peter not because I want to make this difficult for you, but the situation here is tenuous and you’ll forgive me if I don’t endanger him more than necessary.”

“I would imagine that a lot of those involved have gone to ground.”

“Yes, but not so deep we can’t find them. Bob has told the NID boys that he wants those involved to be accountable. Not those in the chain of command but those who gave the orders, in return for which several of their pet projects will be fast tracked through the senate.”

“Meaning you’re still convinced you have a couple of loose canons on base.”

“Yes and since the house is out of bounds, it will make it easier to determine who and what they are. We have a clearer line of sight and a broader field of vision in the open. You’ll have a twenty four hour guard issued from the troops that liberated the base and unfortunately you won’t be alone, you’ll either have myself or Anton with you till we get you home.”

Connor stopped and rubbed his knee again. “Just how close are you to Peter?”

Matt stopped instantly and walked back. “Peter is only interested in you.”

“So you keep saying. Unfortunately, paranoia in all degrees at this point in time is the only defense I have.”

Matt smiled. “Yes I know. I spoke to Anton last night, he said that Peter was convinced you were still alive.”


“Seems he had an epiphany when they lost him on the table, that he couldn’t feel you, on the other side.” Matt waggled his eyebrows and made a face.

Connor dissolved into laughter. “I see you believe in the paranormal.”

“Little green men, apportation experiments, and possession, oh yeah should write for the Enquirer.”

“Ah huh.”

“You alright?” Matt slowed as he noticed the slight limp in his companion.

“Yeah, I busted my knee up a few years ago, skiing. Since I was out of it for so long arthritis has set in and it aches.”

Matt nodded in agreement. “Peter pulled me out of a bear trap a while ago, the leg still bugs me. So have you thought about what you want to do?”

“In relation to?”

“When this is all over.”

“Ah, no. I suspect that I’d be able to go back to MIT or even stay on at the OSIR, since Anton has the chair but the knee might go against that.”

“Possibly, I would think Anton would try and cut you the same deal he made Peter.”

“Which is?”

“Special consultant. Peter keeps the chair at Harvard and still gets to do the occasional case. There is a school of thought that outsourcing the work is better than trying to control it within the office.”

“Security withstanding of course. So are you staying on at the Office?”

“Me? Hell no. I’m off to the FBI as soon as this little nest is cleaned out and I can finalize my stuff. Makes Anton’s life hell though.”

“How so?”

“He loses Elsinger, Rollins, Peter and me in the same week and Elsinger took in very few new recruits over the last year so OSIR doesn’t have the pool to operate from.”

“It just means he’ll have to reactivate some of the people who took early retirement or went back into the academic community like Peter. Its all in the regs.”

“You remembered that?”

“Yes. I also remember that you’re the Matt Praeger who wrote half the rules.”

“Ahah. Well my reputation precedes me. I don’t suppose you can cook can you?”

Connor smiled. “Yes why?”

“Good cause I can’t and since we got to eat I was kinda hoping it wasn’t going to have to be MRE’s.”

“You had an ulterior motive all along.”

“But of course. I was a boy scout.”

“Now that I don’t believe.”

“I’m wounded.”

“No but you could be.” Connor stopped in front of the small timber cottage. A bright and well-maintained garden bordered the property and Matt opened the door to reveal a cheerful room.

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