A Quiet Presence. Part II

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Автор:  Ravenschild


“He started on you already?” Ray turned the wheel of the car and headed down another back alley, dark glasses perched on his careworn face.

“Yeah.” Peter was distant and stared out the window of the car.


“How did you know he would?” Peter turned in his seat.

“I’ve been with the Office for a long time now, since I quit the force, good solid job, not too many problems, keeps the wife happy. But there are only so many accidents that can happen to certain people.”

“You mean faggots?” Peter scrunched down in his seat and crossed his arms across his chest.

“No I mean gays, or Jews or basically anyone who doesn’t fit the flavour of the month. Elsinger is some piece of work but we know him, at least we can never trust him but Rollins...”

“I know, I heard the stories, why do you think we kept it quiet.” Peter watched the dark streets and turned again in his seat unhitching the battered tan coat from the seatbelt.

“I knew.” Ray said softly.

“When?” Peter flushed and stared open mouthed.

“Connor told me.”

“Connor told you?” Peter replied astounded.

“Don’t look so surprised, I ran shotgun on most of Connor’s cases. I think it was about five and a half years ago.”

“What??” Peter flushed.

“He never told you huh? Well technically he didn’t tell me, I guessed. Rollins was giving him shit and Connor told him to back off. Rollins made some disparaging remark about Connor being gay and well he decked him. Rollins called me on it and asked me to support an attack charge against Doyle.”

“Connor hit him?”

“Yes, I told Rollins I saw nothing and Connor thanked me and bought me lunch. He wouldn’t tell me who he was living with only that he was special and in a similar field.”

“Could have been anyone.”

“Could have been, but then you never saw his face when you walked into a room.” Ray turned and smiled before smoothly pulling to a stop.

“Ah. So you did the math.”

“And he knew I knew, and I knew he knew I knew and well there you have it. That’s why I also knew that you wouldn’t leave that plant unless you had to. When you said he was dying and had one of those parasites in him, we both knew what that meant. It wasn’t your fault, if blame lies anywhere it’s with Elsinger. You still thinking of leaving?”

“I don’t know what to do, I’m looking. You’re stuck with me for another month at least.”

“I know Elsinger and I know Rollins and they aren’t alone in their bigotry. They have sympathizers in my division and they can make life difficult for you. Just be very careful, I can’t watch out for you all the time.”

“I know the drill, don’t go into the lockers alone, don’t use the showers at the lab alone, don’t turn your back on any of them and never give them a chance.”

Ray nodded pleased that Peter was so astute. “I’ve lost a lot of friends Peter, and I counted Connor among them. I don’t think I could forgive myself if I let them get to you, but I’m getting older and I’m only one man.”

“Best one to have in my corner Ray. Thanks. I think,” Peter broke the awkward silence, “That that is our contact.”

An attractive young man slouched in the doorway of the club. Long dark hair ran in rivers across his shoulders and dark eyes carefully watched the car pull to a halt. He pushed his hand through his hair and looked up, sculptured features creased into a genuine but tired smile.

“You must be Dr. Axon and Ray Donohue from the OSIR?” he reached out a hand and raked the scientist with a provocative look.

“Then you would be Thomas Shonbrin.” Ray shook the proffered hand.

“You know with the exception of my grandmother no one ever calls me that.” He winced. “Shon will do fine.” He shook Peter’s hand and held on a fraction too long. “I don’t know what you expect to find here but.” He opened the green metal door of the club and flicked on the lights from behind a closed panel “help yourself.”

“This is an under eighteen venue which means?” Ray asked as he spotted the vodka bottle on the bar.

“Vodka’s mine, the kids get soda, or coffee, no drugs, no booze, and if I can help it no underage sex. Not here anyway, out there,” he waved a long fingered hand to the door, “parents problem.”

“According to the police the club has been closed since the incident.” Peter walked the perimeter.

“Yes, and when they told me you were coming in, I kept the cleaners out. I’m supposed to re-open tomorrow night, unless you have other ideas.” Shon poured a shot of vodka into the glass and offered one to his guests. Ray shook his head. “Not on duty huh? Ex force?”


“Soda or coffee?”

“Coffee.” Peter answered. “How well did you know the kids who booked the club?”

“Not at all, contrary to popular belief I don’t know every kid in town. Seen them about with the school crowd, nothing special. The parents booked for the party and were here till nine.”

“You said no drugs?” Ray stepped forward and took the two mugs of coffee handing one to Peter.

“Not that I know of. I can’t police everyone, but we have security sweeps and a police presence on a regular basis. So they’d have to be damned stupid. Is that what you think this is all about? Drugs?”

“It’s a possibility. Being closed for so long must be difficult financially.” Peter walked over and perched on a barstool.

“No, this is a hobby.”

“Expensive hobby.” Peter answered.

“If you don’t mind I’d like to take a look around.” Ray wandered off.

“Sure. Yes it is, but we all have to have one.” Shon answered his voice soft and soothing.

“So what do you normally do?”


“Info Tech?”

“Yep I write software and peripherals for business. This started out a tax dodge.” Shon smiled. “So what do you do?”

“I’m a physicist.”

“And senior science analyst for the OSIR? Good job?”

“Not bad, keeps me active.”

“You know none of my teachers ever looked like you do. If they had I would have stayed in school a lot longer.” Shon leaned closer.

“You chatting me up?” Peter sipped the coffee and hunched over the bar.

“Would it bother you if I was?” Shon leaned in closer.

“Sure of yourself aren’t you?” Peter looked up and narrowed his eyes.

“Of what I want? Yes. If the answer is no I’ll back off.”

“No it doesn’t bother me.” Peter sipped the dark brew and smiled.

“Good.” Again that devastating smile as Shon came closer his hand brushing the back of Peter’s as it rested on the countertop. “You busy tonight or occupied?”

“I’m working.”

“But you have to eat.”

“Yes. Look please don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m not interested I’m just.”

“It’s okay Dr. Axon.” Shon stepped back his voice cooling.

“Peter. And it’s not okay. I lost my partner not long ago in an accident. I’m not ready for even casual sex.”

Shon’s face softened. “Then have dinner with me anyway. I promise I will behave.”

“As what?” Peter laughed and watched Ray come back into the room.

“Word of honour, perfect gentleman. I understand Peter.”

“I should get off around seven.”

“Excellent.” Shon slipped a card into his hand and stepped away.


“Why Dr. Axon, I do believe you have a date.” Ray chortled as he got into the car.

“No it’s not a date, I’m having dinner with him and that’s all.”

“Whatever, but it’s about bloody time, if you ask me.”

“I wasn’t, and it’s not. I can’t Ray.”

“He’s a good looking man and is clearly interested, so what’s the problem.”

“I’m the problem.”

“You still love Conner.”

“Yeah, pathetic isn’t it?”

“It’s a little flaky but most of you scientist types are.” Ray laughed.

“Oh great.”

“So are you going?”

“Probably, if nothing else he can probably tell me what I want to know about the drugs available in the area and who the dealers are. If not then I get fed and don’t have to put up with Rollins’ shit.”

“Sound move. You staying at the lab?”

“No, I’ve booked a motel room.”

“You’re learning.”

“Unfortunately Ray, I learned a long time ago.”

“You always been gay then?”

“No,” Peter laughed. “Did you find anything?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary, I think he’s legit the club is clean, it’s had some problems and a few police call out’s, but it’s all normal activity.”


“I must admit to being curious Peter.” Ray slowed the pace as he hit late afternoon traffic.


“You and Conner. I thought you and Annie had a thing going.”

“We did; we were eight years old and we married each other on a rock and would be in love forever.” Peter answered wistfully.

“So what happened?”

“Small town boy worked my way through MIT, I wasn’t Dad’s favourite person after the accident so I left. Guess it pretty much broke Annie and I up. I went back a few times to teach at the local school, but it never lasted.”

“You were in one of the forces though weren’t you?” Ray looked at the man next to him; acutely aware at how little he really knew about the people he worked with.

“Marine Recon, five long years. After that I taught a Psychics course in Paris and published.”


“Surprised?” Peter smiled.

“Yeah I guess. So you don’t like teaching?”

“No I love teaching, I didn’t like the Island. I finally ended up in Atlanta at the CDC for a while. Elsigner headhunted me from there. I had a healthy research grant but no direction, so I took the plunge.”

“You’re a professor though, right?”

“Yeah, Physics Professor.”

“And you met Conner.”

“It wasn’t that simple.” Peter smiled.


“No. Conner was distant and aloof. I was convinced that he didn’t like me. Obviously that was wrong, but he took me by surprise.”

“I can imagine. So was he your first?”

“Nah. I’ve always been bi; the sex of my partner doesn’t matter to me- it’s more about who the person is, a look, a touch, a smile. Something has to attract me, but I don’t do casual.”

“So Shon stands a snowball’s chance in hell.” Ray laughed.

“’Fraid so.” Peter relaxed.


Case Log update: Curtis Rollins reporting, Chief Science Analyst Peter Axon has made contact with the owner of the under 18’s club, Thomas Lyle Shonbrin, IT specialist; there is substantial evidence of a new street drug called Nexus, we are uncertain at this time of Mr Shonbrin’s involvement. Preliminary reports suggest that the drug is administered in the form of “Kiddy Bait”- a brightly coloured padded sticker with the adhesive back laced with the drug. Local law enforcement with the assistance of Senior Data Analyst Lindsey Donner have located several likely candidates who attended the dance party along with increased gang related incidents into the schools. We have suggested that the matter is now a police investigation but have been requested to stay on to help run the gang members to ground. Luke Moncrieff has responded to detox and has tested positive for the drug. He is no longer experiencing psychotic symptoms. Dr. Clair Davis is monitoring his condition with the assistance of Dr. Radcliffe. There is a dance party organized for tomorrow evening. We have agreed to assist police in their investigations and attend. Rollins out.”

Rollins sat back and propped his feet on the conference room table, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated the turn of events. He’d always liked Axon, but now that he knew his perversion he was prepared to make certain he didn’t have to work with him again. He pursed his lips and rocked back in the chair, dark eyes searching the darker recesses of his soul and he knew that it was only a matter of time before Axon slipped up. Rollins decided that he would be waiting eagerly for that to happen.


“Matt Praeger, it’s been a long time.” Joel McKinley was Army through and through, stiff upper lip, controlled and positively relieved to see his old drinking buddy.

“How’s the family?” Matt stood up and shook the proffered hand.

“Better now we’ve got Nancy off to college. Makes life a little easier.”

“Carol still working?”

“Part time, she’s still doing local court. So you said you have a problem and that you need my help.” Joel closed the door and led Matt into a smaller office, elegantly appointed with views of the White House lawns.

“How long have we known each other?” Matt sat down in the leather chair and sighed, the drive had been a long one and he wanted to get this baby rolling.

“Twelve years, most of it seemed to make some kind of sense. Why?” Joel lit his cigarette and studied his friend.

“Got a problem Joel.”

“Yeah I got that.”

“The NID boys are still playing games with companies like Diginite and GemCorp.”

“You sound certain.”

“I am. Lots of government money is going astray and into the pocket of one Frank Elsinger.”

“Elsigner? Now there’s a name I’ve heard too much of lately. What’s he done now?”

“It’s complex Joel, I need to have you to myself for a couple of hours. And I need you to believe what I’m going to tell you.”

“You’ve never lied to me Matt, but I’m also assuming here that you wouldn’t come to me with a problem without proof.”

“I have proof.”

“Excellent.” Joel thumbed the intercom. “Cindy, hold all my calls, cancel my afternoon appointments.”

“Sir, you’re scheduled to see the President at seven.”

“I’ll be there, confirm for me.”

“Yes sir.”

“Okay Matt, all yours, let’s hear what you have to say.”

Matt opened his briefcase and opened several folders as well as booting up his laptop. “Before I joined the OSIR, Elsinger had investigated several incidents under the charter of the OSIR. They came across a company called Diginite on one occasion, before the final case file could be closed the company uprooted over a hundred employees, evacuated offices and disappeared overnight. The experiment involved the use of high frequency digital information, which set off a series of rat marches that eventuated in sickness. My first case with the OSIR involved a bizarre aportation experiment that ended in the death of two people and the disappearance of another, again the building was owned by a company called Diginite, which disposed of all the witnesses prior to our investigation being closed. On both occasions Frank Elsinger received large amounts of money in the form of shares in the company and the files were sealed.” Matt took a sip of the water that Joel had put on the table and opened the first file producing the documentary evidence of the transfer of funds.

“Go on.”

“We also attended on a number of occasions incidents involving a company who belonged to GemCorp, again same scenario, information was destroyed, samples lost, and a large wad of cash going into Elsinger’s accounts.” Matt handed across another sheet of paper.

“Diginite and GemCorp are both legitimate companies, but the Defense Department has granted several huge tenders to them over the last three years. This is enough to get Elsinger stood down Matt, but I get the feeling there is more.”

“Astute. Am I wasting my time or should I continue.”

“Please continue. GemCorp has for a long time been a thorn in my side; their dabbling in genetics is a black spot for the President. It would do the world of good for my career if I could give him something to go on.”

“Going out on a limb Joel, but I took on the position at Elsinger’s insistence- but not without presidential knowledge. Over the past couple of years, there have been major anomalies that we have researched and validated and yet still have had no legal or comprehensive investigations that in itself are strange. The charter of the OSIR includes bringing charges or supporting investigations from the relevant agencies or authorities.”

“I know the charter Matt, I ah, actually looked it up when I knew you were on your way.” Joel scratched his dark blond beard and lit another cigarette, “and I also know the President’s interest in this little back yard group, which is why you were brought in in the first place.”

“Elsigner is good, his funds have been tracked through several dozen sub-agencies and appear as minor increases in stock portfolios but we can prove he’s on the payroll and that Diginite and GemCorp are funded by the NID boys.”

“Which means there’s someone close to the top who’s pulling the strings.”

“Yes. It’s not you is it?” Matt smiled.

“Lord I wish it was, with this kind of money I could retire.”

“People who are on the take to this amount Joel don’t retire. It’s not about the money to them; it’s about the control, the power. Elsinger slipped up nineteen months ago.”

“The Russian situation?”

“You’ve heard?” Matt didn’t contain his surprise.

“It was hard not to. Lots of back room politics to bring the teams in and out. What happened?”

“Elsinger sent a team in, a simple crypto-zoological investigation after the Russians called for help. They discovered a Myladon washed up in glacial ice that contained a genetically altered parasite.” Matt handed across the documents. “Lots of inconsistencies. The Myladon was native to South America; it could not have gotten to Russia unless it was planted. The parasite was genetically altered according to the tests done at central lab by Dr. LQ Cooper. They lost their Case Manager Professor Conner Doyle.”

“Yes I knew Conner- good man. How’s Peter holding up?”

“You knew?” Matt sat back.

“Suspecting is not the same as knowing, besides Elsinger made some odd remarks at the time, including if I remember correctly, closing the investigation, which was short shrive for a man of Doyle’s calibre.”

“Yes. What Axon doesn’t know and Elsinger doesn’t know I know, is that the CDC under the jurisdiction of the US Government sent in a retrieval team at the same time with four fully equipped cryo units. These units were sent directly back to Area 51 and there is evidence that they retrieved live specimens.” Again Matt handed across copies of the original documents to Joel. “For the record Joel, since I’m paranoid, copies have been made and the information will be leaked directly to the press should anything happen to any of the investigating team, family, dogs, cats.” “And canaries.” Joel finished with a smile.

“The cryo units were supplied by Diginite and some of the live samples were sent directly to the GemCorp labs including inter-office memo’s and emails.”

“Holy Hannah!”

“Gets better- the officer in charge of the retrieval team was Jakob Carrol. Thought the President suspended him personally.”

“Shit, shit, shit. Which means that General Mackinroth is at the bottom of this.”

“Found your mole.” Matt sat back pleased.

“Damned straight. You’re one hundred on this Matt?”

“I’ve got enough hard evidence to pull Elsinger down and he’ll sing like a bird with the right inducement.”

“Let’s take a look at the files. I’d like to let the President in on this tonight.”

“No problems. You might like to take a quick look at the activities of one Curtis Rollins as well. Seems he has a problem with gays.”

“Rollins has been bucking for Elsinger’s chair for a while now. He’s another one I’d like to see gone.”

“I think.” Matt answered lazily. “We can accommodate you on that as well.”


“So how’d you end up in Science?” Shon asked over the table, his dark hair pulled back into a long ponytail, his features softened by candlelight.

“Not a big stretch, Dad’s a doctor.”

“A real doctor.”

“Hey I resent that.” Peter laughed. “Complete with grey cardigan and a list of patients that includes great great grandparents.”

“Ah family practice.”

“He would have liked that. You said the club was a tax dodge?”

“Initially; I took over the space from some clients who were going to set up a VR arcade but they didn’t get the funding and sold it to me cheap. Lots of news at the time about no venues in Ontario for underage kids and I jumped on the bandwagon.”

“Local law enforcement give you much grief?”

“Actually not a whole lot, we’ve got an open door policy they can come in any time. Now it’s the hottest clean venue in the state. I’d like to keep it that way.” Shon speared an oyster with his fork.

“May not be possible.”

“Shit. They doing drugs?”

“There’s no evidence to suggest that the club is involved. Several gang members have been dealing dance drugs at the local schools, its most likely they picked it up from there and used at the club.”

“Still makes me culpable.” Shon wiped his mouth and sat back.

“No, actually it doesn’t.”

“Nothing in life is ever that simple my friend. What’s this going to cost me?”

“Dinner and a couple of names.”

“Dinner is my pleasure. Who are you after?”

“Young boy travels with a blond girl, not schoolies but still young enough to pass. New in the area.” Peter handed over a photo from the party.

“Franz and Jacki.”

“You know them?”

“Yeah. Came to me looking for work a few weeks back, didn’t have change for hot water let alone money to live. Now they have a loft, good clothes and a car.”

“You weren’t suspicious?”

“Peter, there are people who like to keep a little talent on the side. The kids were hustlers, thought they got lucky.”

“Yeah well they did, seems Franz’s brother is a chemist with a military background and was found floating face down this morning in the river.”

“Urgh.” Shon shuddered as he put the oyster back onto his plate. “Not really dinner table conversation is it?”

Peter laughed. “No I guess not. Usually it’s me with the weak stomach.”

“You’re kidding right? I thought you’d have to have a caste iron stomach to be in science.”

“Only forensic sciences.”

“Oh. So what happened to your partner?”

“Connor died in an accident. You wouldn’t know who would be the major player for the kiddy drugs would you?”

“Back to business already? Alright, I’ll make a deal with you.” Shon leaned forward.

“Oh yes?” Peter asked suspiciously.

“No I meant what I said. I won’t try and put the moves on you, but let’s get business out of the way shall we?”

“Thank you.”

“So ask me your questions. No I don’t know who the major player is for the kiddy drugs, I would have thought that was a police issue now.”

“It is but the local PD has asked we stay on and help since we have a full path lab set up, we can get them answers a lot quicker.”

“There is a consortium of business people who make use of the hustlers out there, maybe you should be looking in the business community.”

“Any particular area?”

“Local gym would be a good place to start, maybe the one where all the kids go to from school. In the meantime I’ll see what I can find out for you, now is there anything else?” Shon smiled, the sting in his words gone.

“No I guess not.” Peter looked worried and pushed his food around his plate.

“Not hungry or the company putting you off?” He quizzed softly.

“No I really don’t have much of an appetite anymore. It’s not the company.” Peter relaxed and sat back.

“Since Conner died?”

“Yeah. It’s alright, things are getting better.”

“Are they?”

Peter laughed. “No. But I can hope.” He swirled the crimson wine in his glass and took a sip.

“How long has it been?”

“Nearly two years.”

“Man, I’d give anything for someone to love me that much. Its really.”


“I was thinking sweet.” Shon pushed his entr?e plate away. “Are you going to eat the main course?”

“Is that a loaded question?”

“Why Peter Axon I didn’t think you knew how to flirt.”

Peter’s laugh was a deep chuckle. “Only when I want to. Sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s charming.”

“How did you know?”

“Know? That you wouldn’t knock my teeth down my throat when I asked you out?”


“I didn’t but you were worth the effort. You don’t consider yourself gay do you?”

“Actually no I don’t, Conner was special.”

“He must have been. So you’re bi.”

“Mostly, never looked at another guy before I was seventeen but I was always curious. So what about you?”

“Hey I took my eight year old male next door neighbour to the school dance, when I was only nine. Go figure. Seriously though, your boss Curtis Rollins has made a few disparaging remarks that have come back to me. What’s his problem?”


“No kidding to the point of being openly hostile. He came by this afternoon and did a walk through the building and asked whether or not I pimped for the local gangs.”

“Not very smart. What did you do?”

“Apart from giving him an earful there wasn’t a lot I could do, he had half his security team with him and a couple of cops. I don’t know the man but I’d be very careful if I were you.”

“Thanks for the heads up but I do know. Curtis is not very subtle either.” ~~~****~~~

“Matt I’ve spoken to the people involved in the Presidential staff and I’ve a meeting billed for seven which is in ten minutes, we have enough. More than enough. You wouldn’t consider coming back to the White House would you?”

“Joel we have this conversation every time we meet. It’s not that I’m not flattered, but I’ve been offered Quantico so I intend to take it.”

“The FBI? When?”

“When we put this rat back in his box.”

“You realise that we don’t work that fast, the NID boys will have a handle on everything and will destroy most of the evidence before we get to it.”

“Including Elsinger?” Matt asked with obvious enjoyment.

“Yes that’s a probable. Possibly even Rollins.”

“Oh my heart bleeds. Look since he took the director’s chair he’s lost twenty-seven people on cases that should never have died. Not to mention the number of serious injuries. The manual is overtly protective of its people, what Elsinger is doing is close to wholesale slaughter with government backing.”

“Hey they may work for the government but we do not sanction their actions. They are about to go down. I’ve arranged a group of people to be in on the meeting, most of them you’ll recognize. I’ve also got AirForce One on standby. It may be prudent to visit Area 51 post haste.”

“I owe you Joel, these people are good, top rate scientists and he’s treating them like cattle. They deserve better.”

“Axon deserves better.” Joel smiled over his cigarette and stood up.

“He’s a friend.”

“I know. I need to wash up before we go over. Get your things together Matt, it could be a long night.”

“Sure can I use your phone?”

“Secure line is on my desk. Help yourself.” Joel rolled down the sleeves of his shirt and recuffed them before putting his jacket on over the top and headed into the washroom.

“Hey Pete.” Matt paced in front of the window.

“Matt? Where are you?”

“Oh about to go to dinner.” Matt lied and winced, he hated the deception but he had to make sure Peter was all right. When this was over he intended to tell him the truth about a lot of things. “You eaten?”

“I’m having dinner with a friend.”

“Excellent, look I don’t mean to rattle you but put yourself safe for the next forty eight. Ray and Lindsey are up there with you aren’t they?”

“Yes and Ray is keeping an eye on things.” Peter answered cryptically.

“Shit that means Rollins started on you already.”

“Perceptive as usual. I’ll give Lindsey a call and park myself with her for the night.”

“Okay I have to go, I’ll be in touch Peter.”

“You ready?” Joel called from the door.

“As I’ll ever be.” Matt put the files back in order and followed Joel down the corridors to the President’s office. ~~~****~~~

“You skipped dinner Peter.” Lindsey admonished as he entered the conference room.

“No actually I had dinner. I’ve got a favour to ask you and you can tell me to take a hike.” Peter actually blushed as he folded his arms across his chest in a classically defensive gesture.

“I’m intrigued.” Lindsey put the pen down and carefully watched her friend. She’d missed him and didn’t realise how much until the ache was almost unbearable.

“Yeah well it’s a little complicated.” Peter studied the room for a long moment and turned the music on loud to cover their conversation.

“So it seems. You’re becoming as paranoid at Matt.”

“Maybe with good reason.” He sat down next to her and smiled. “Rollins has a problem with me.”

“Yes I had noticed, he gives shit to everyone who’s gay.”

“What you don’t know is the lengths he’s prepared to go to, to rid himself of what he sees as a problem for him.”

“You’re worried?” Lindsey took his hand in her own and inched forward.

“Yeah, I think he will try to manipulate a situation that will cause me either physical or personal distress. He’s already made some comments and I want to put him off kilter.”

“So how can I help?”

“Spend the next couple of nights with me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Lindsey, he would not risk you but me he’d feed piece by piece to the sharks if he could.”

“So you want to make him believe that you’re not gay?”

“Technically I’m not, but it won’t make any difference to him. I don’t sleep Lindsey, it hurts so much and the only time I do rest is when there is someone else in the room I trust. If I let him get to me like this I’ll be an easy target.” His quiet voice was filled with such pain that she felt herself edging closer, her hand tightening on his.

“You’ve booked a room somewhere?”

“Yeah at the Four Seasons. As I said you can say no, if you’re worried about how it would look for you.”

“I don’t care how it would look.” Lindsey looked up and saw a dark shadow across the glass doors and recognized the profile. “Besides if we are giving him a show, I suggest we start now.” She leaned closer a smile spreading across her features, “Unless of course you’re worried at how it will look for you?”

Peter closed the distance between them. “Thank you.” She reached up, her hand caressing his cheek as he kissed her gently on the lips. Lindsey pushed forward wrapping her arm around his broad shoulders and something in Peter snapped, the warmth, the texture, the scent of the woman in his arms and he kissed her in earnest. His tongue delved into the sweet depths tasting the chocolate and coffee she’d consumed earlier. His hand still in hers he finally pushed back when he heard the door open and smiled slowly rubbing his nose against hers in a quaintly suggestive gesture. Lindsey was panting as he nibbled her neck slowly the rough stubble on his chin making her squirm and she began to giggle before collapsing back into his arms.

“I don’t think this is the time or place.” Rollins intoned as he turned the music down.

“Off duty my time is my own and what I do is none of your business.” Peter snapped as he stood up.

“You’re still on OSIR premises and the manual is clear.” Rollins pushed as he searched Lindsey’s face uncertain as to what he’d just seen.

“Oh have a heart Curtis.” Lindsey stood up and patted her clothes back into order. “You were young once weren’t you?” she laughed and reached out to caress Peter’s cheek again, her hand fitting into his hand.

“Never on duty.”

“Off duty. And there is nothing in the manual that covers people not staying in the Mobile Lab unless you call an emergency code, so if you don’t mind?” Peter turned his back on Rollins and led Lindsey to the door. “You might like to get a few things.” He added softly before he cupped the back of her head with his hand and kissed her gently.

“Where are you staying?” Rollins mood softened.

“At the Four Seasons, 21 Avenue Road, Toronto. You can get us through the desk or on my cell.”

“Rather expensive isn’t it?”

“Nothing but the best, besides I can afford it.”

“Peter, I may have misread you.” Rollins admitted.

“You know Curtis, I really don’t care if you did.” Lindsey returned with her overnight bag and change of clothes. Peter put his arm around her shoulder and headed towards the doors.

“I’m surprised that you asked me.” Lindsey admitted as she fastened her seat belt.


“You said you needed someone you could trust.”

“I do.” Peter chewed his bottom lip as he pulled out into traffic for the short journey.

“Don’t suppose you’ve got single beds?”

“Actually I booked a king suite. Lindsey I’m sorry, I don’t want to.” Peter blushed again the weariness and pain in his eyes.

“I never even looked you know Peter, not once, not like I’m looking now and I admit to being tempted but not for these reasons. If you really wanted me I’d need it to be because you were ready.”

“Thanks Lindsey.”

“In the meantime it’s fun giving Curtis a hard time. Any idea at how long we need to keep this up?”

“I’d think a couple of nights. The case should be wrapped up by then and we can go home.”

“I do love you.” Lindsey said softly. “In my anger I forgot that my best friend was hurting, and I was the whip hand.”

Peter reached across and squeezed her fingers. “It’s okay. I love you too Lindsey, I guess that’s why it hurt so much that you didn’t believe me. And I know you still don’t.”

“That you and Connor were lovers?”

“For almost seven years I never even looked at another person sexually, it’s a habit I’m finding hard to break.”

“You’re kidding you haven’t had sex since Connor died?”

“I can’t. I don’t want anyone else.”

“Wow.” She smiled in awe as she squeezed his hand. “One day you will Peter, the pain will stop and you’ll move on.”


Franz paced the palatial loft, his hands wringing nervously as Jacki swung her feet from the counter and threw the ball against the brick walls.

“He’ll be here, settle hon.” Jacki’s broad New York accent irritated him and he whirled catching the ball in mid flight.

“He’s never late.” Franz grated through clenched teeth and resumed his pacing.

“Yeah well first time for every thing.”

“Something’s wrong.” Franz stopped and turned the TV on.

“Nothing is wrong. You need a hit.”

“I don’t use the shit.” Franz disgustedly threw the patch into the sink that she’d just licked and looked away.

“Maybe you should makes the world look really pretty.” Her eyes glazed and she wafted past him on the wings of Nexus and gardenia perfume.

“Shit.” Franz scratched his arm and pushed his dark hair from his face. The bright blue eyes searched the room and caught on a police report on the local evening news. His pale features became paler as he sat down in front of the TV and turned the volume up. “Jacki.” He screamed and raced into the bedroom. “We gotta get outta here, now.”

“Nah later babe.” She smiled lazily as she danced to a silent tune in the bedroom.

He grabbed her, punishing her arms with his hands and shook her. “Dec’s dead Jacki, we’ve gotta get outta here, don’t you understand, they’ll come for us next!” He rushed to the closet and started pulling clothes into a bag along with a wad of cash and his knife.

“Soo pretty.” Jacki cooed as she watched him in a technicolour blur.

“Jacki! Move it.” Roughly he pushed her arms into a jacket and her feet into shoes. He slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed the other one cramming it full of her clothes.

Franz Ostmeier got as far as the front door before it was kicked in.

“Seems our little friends are ready to fly the nest.” The gang leader’s smile was feral, his swarthy features offset by the expensive suit he wore and the three gorillas behind him.

“Dawson.” Franz hissed.

“Now is that anyway to treat an old friend.” Dawson oozed into the loft, his hand fondling Jacki who smiled in a drugged stupor. His friends closed the door and folded their arms.

“We were never friends.”

“Oh but we should have been, just like I told your brother. You have heard haven’t you?” Dawson smiled; it was not a pleasant sight. “But of course you had you wouldn’t be leaving in such a hurry if you hadn’t. Dec wasn’t prepared to help me either, pity.” He snapped his fingers and moved to one side.

“Look territory is all yours, take it.”

“Too late Franz. You see, my boss needs to be kept clean and you’re his ticket to anonymity.” Dawson saw the blade in Franz’s hand and easily sidestepped the enraged man. The bodyguards moved forward and easily disarmed him, carefully wrapping the knife in plastic and handing it to their employer.

“You wouldn’t?” Franz squeaked.

“No this is for someone else, you and your little birdie here are going to take a short trip.” Dawson stepped back as the other men crowded the room. Jacki smiled as she was thrown from the fourth story window after her boyfriend. She’d finally learned how to fly.


“Mr Rollins I need to contact Peter Axon.” Shon spoke softly into the receiver.

“He’s off duty Mr Shonbrin.”

“Yes and his cell is switched off. Can you have him call me as soon as he comes in in the morning? It’s important.” There was a slightly hysterical edge to the voice as he hurried his words.

“Are you alright?” Rollins asked, his nerves tingling with the palpable fear that inched down the phone line.

“Look I just need to talk to him.”

“I’ll call his motel and see if I can get through, give me the number.”


The phone in Peter’s suite rang out, he lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling and listening to the soft singing from the bathroom. Slightly off key but it gentled him nevertheless. It reminded him that he wasn’t alone and turned on his side curling into the soft pillows.

Lindsey smiled as she pulled the heavy towelling robe around her body and combed her wet hair back from her face. She wandered into the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed next to Peter. He shivered in his sleep and frowned as he murmured soft words, most of which she couldn’t hear or understand except for one litany that broke her heart. He kept apologising to Conner over and over again as the tears streaked his face. Her heart constricted as she reached out a hand and began to rhythmically rub his back feeling the play of muscles under her palm she continued to stroke until he quietened and pulled the blankets up over his shoulders before nudging him over and curling behind him. She kissed the nape of his neck and twined his finger in her own. He sighed deeply in his sleep and pushed into her warmth as he snuggled down into the bed, Lindsey kept up the gentle stroking till the worry lines disappeared and a very small smile appeared on his face, only then did she allow herself to fall asleep.

He twitched as the nightmare took him again, drowning him in the endless miasma of pain and treachery. He felt the arms about his body and sobbed as they began to stroke him, petting him asleep soft and gentle and he curled forward the distress a painful presence in his stomach.

Alarmed Lindsey sat on the side of the bed desperately trying to settle the distraught man, she called his name repeatedly and finally as his breathing hitched in his chest he swung out blindly. She lurched forward pinning his body with hers and spoke urgently into his ear.

He awoke with a start the sweat beading on his upper lip as he focused on the weight that pinned him down.

“Peter?” she rolled off as he scratched his head and scrubbed at his face. His body encased in sweats and a thin cotton T-shirt was drenched with perspiration. She smiled gently and stroked the side of his face. “Take a shower, I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

In the presence of solitude he was grateful for her composure and dreaded the moments when she would ask the questions he knew he couldn’t answer. The shower beat his body and the aches subsided but the pain in his chest wouldn’t so easily be assuaged.

“Every night?” Lindsey asked as she pushed the mug into his hand and sat cross-legged on the huge bed. He pulled the hotel terry robe around his body and shivered.

“Every night.” He answered wearily sipping at the tea before climbing back onto the bed and stuffing a pillow behind his back. He noticed that she had straightened the bed and her consideration didn’t go unrewarded. He smiled slightly, not a true smile but a small one where the sides of his mouth hitched up and creased the long dimples in his cheek.

“You seen Anton?”

“Yeah just before I left. He gave me some sleeping pills.”

“Why aren’t you taking them?”

“With Rollins gunning for blood? I doubt it besides they make me all fuzzy the next day and I can’t concentrate.”

“Peter I don’t know what to do.”


Lindsey looked up sharply fixing his eyes with her own and smiled.

“Oh.” Peter answered his own question. “What would you have done in the same position two years ago?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know maybe held you, at the very least let you know I was there for you.”

Peter put the mug on the nightstand and pulled her down into his arms. “Works for me.” He said as he dropped a kiss into her hair and she curled against his chest listening to the solidly beating heart. Her hands made lazy circles on his stomach and he arched into the warm touch, needing something beyond his control and hating himself for the man he had become. Lindsey must have sensed his disquiet because she began to speak.

“Was he fun to live with?”

“Who Connor?”

She nodded.

“I guess he was comfortable.”


“Yeah, Jesus Linds you know sometimes I’d come home and I’d be livid because something went wrong and he could tell just by the look on my face or my posture and he’d just know what to do. Every time, without fail.” Peter closed his eyes drifting back to a time when he felt safe and whole.

“So you lost your safety as well as your best friend and lover. Peter, you should have told me.” She moved her head to rest on his shoulder.

“Why? Connor didn’t want me to ever tell anyone. He thought that if either of us died the other one would leave the OSIR and start a fresh. Possibly sell the house.” He shrugged nearly dislodging her.

“Because of Rollins?”

“And his band of merry miscreants, but mostly because of Elsinger. I tried to cut him out of the loop once and went directly to Elsinger. Connor was incredible, I could see that the old man would use it against him and try to put a wedge in the team. I can still remember his words his back was to me in the conference room and his voice was soft. He said ‘What? I wouldn’t understand? I wouldn’t back you up on it?’ And then he turned and smiled and we never spoke about it again.”

“It’s a lot to take in.”

“For me as well. I know who and what I’m fighting Linds, but I can’t keep fighting myself. Sometimes I think it would have been better if I’d have stayed with Connor till the end.”

“You mean died with him?” Lindsey sat up and looked into the wide blue eyes and frowned.

“Yeah. It would have been so easy to let go and end it with him. He didn’t want me to. He really didn’t. He pushed me out of there. I never got to hold him or say goodbye or kiss him. He just said go, that’s an order and like a scared rabbit I ran.” His soft voice was full of self-loathing.

“Peter don’t, it doesn’t help. We both left him, we all left him because we respected him enough to do as he told us, we couldn’t know what he intended.”

“I knew.” Peter fiddled with the belt of his robe.


“Before all hell broke loose I cornered him in one of the bunk rooms, he looked terrible, when I’d asked him earlier he snapped at me which he never did. Not even when he was white with anger, he never took it out on me. I reached for him and like always he came into my arms, he was shaking and I turned his face up to kiss him and he pushed me away. It didn’t register till later, on the way back, but he was worried that the eggs could be transmitted by body fluids. So you see, I didn’t even get to say goodbye or tell him that I loved him, because in the end we’d fought.”

“About Hannah?”

“Partly, because he wouldn’t tell me what was going on, and every night I relive that night, seeing everything that I should have seen and knowing I couldn’t prevent his death I should have had the courage to at least go with him.”

“One man in a thousand.” Lindsey smiled sadly.

“Solomon says, will stand more close than your brother, but the thousandth man will stand by your side to the gallows foot and after. Kipling.” Peter finished the quote.

“You think you can sleep now?” Lindsey slipped between the cool sheets and turned to face him.

“I don’t know.”

“Try Peter, try to remember the good stuff.”

“I don’t seem able to remember any. Peter scooted down into the bed and shed the robe.

“Remember the time we were on that stupid case in Vale and we got it finished in what was it?”

Peter chuckled, “Three hours. I think it’s still the shortest case we ever worked on.”

“Who would have guess that kids painting snow bunnies with fluro paint could cause so much trouble.”

“Didn’t help the bunnies either.” Peter frowned.

“No but then Connor decided to teach me how to ski.”

“And you spent the day on your butt.”

“Wet and aching and all you could do was laugh at me.” She poked him in the chest for emphasis.

“Well it was funny especially when you started the snow ball fight.”

“I did not.”

“Yes you did you threw a lump of snow at Connor and he bent down and threw one back at you.”

“Yeah, but it really got funny,” Lindsey began to laugh, “when we saw that you were sitting all prim on that rock laughing hysterically and Connor and I looked at each other and we both decided that it was your turn.”

“Hey no fair I got bruises from that.” Peter began to laugh with her remembering the event. “You guys ganged up on me.”

“No we didn’t you had a rock.”

“Fat lot of good it did me too, 2 square feet doesn’t cover a whole lot.”

“We were drenched and sore from laughing.”

“Connor and you tickled me.” Peter smiled his face relaxing.

“Till you couldn’t breath. Damn I never put it together.”

“What?” Peter pushed a strand of hair from her face.

“What Connor said to you and that smile.”

“I don’t remember.”

“He said, C’mon babe, you could do with a hot shower and you smiled and Connor just got to his feet and helped me up.”

“He made a lot of slips, I guess most people just never noticed them.”

“Or put it together. I used to see that smile a lot when you were with Connor. I miss it.” Lindsey leant forward and kissed him chastely on the lips and traced his cheek with her fingers. He closed his eyes at the feather light touch and slept.


Russell Sinclair stopped in his restless orbit of the palatial office and loosened his tie. The night deepened outside and he worried. His fingers bit into the palm of his hand as he looked at Dawson’s’ face reflected in the high office window.

“Tell me again.”

“Dec Ostmeier refused to give us the chemical composition of Nexus and the method for transference. Our people can’t reproduce in the quantity required or quality until we get the details.”

“And the formula is where?”

“New mob, the OSIR have samples and extensive research into the drug and it’s delivery method. We think that they have the details locked down in their computers.”

“Who do we have that can get inside the offices?”

Dawson shook his head. “No one sir. Their security is top notch, we’d need to get the chemist or a hard copy of their research.”

“Tell me again about this Shonbrin.”

“We’ve got him on ice, he runs the local venue where the kids died. Been helping a couple of their people.” Dawson opened a pocket book and scanned the digital readout. “Peter Axon, one of their scientists had dinner with him this evening.”

“And where is this Axon now?”

“Holed up at the Four Seasons with his girlfriend.”

“Alright, convince Mr. Shonbrin to make another call to the hotel and have him ask to meet with him, it’s a matter of urgency.” Russell waved a hand at the youth and poured a scotch, as he passed a worried hand through his dark red hair.


Lindsey edged herself up from sleep and uncurled at the strident tone of the phone. She scowled at the clock and padded softly to answer it before it could wake Peter.

“Donner.” Her tone did not hide her ill humour at having been woken at four am.

“I’m looking for Peter Axon.” The male voice on the end of the phone contained a slightly hysterical note and Lindsey frowned.

“He’s asleep, who’s calling.”


“What do you want Mr. Shonbrin.” Lindsey was concerned that he had called the hotel and not through Central as all of their calls on assignment would be.

“You have to tell Peter, I’ve got the name of the people dealing Nexus and I want to see him to give it to him.”

“You can give it to me.” Lindsey looked over at Peter and saw him move restlessly on the bed.

“No.” He all but shouted the response and she was fully alert.

“Okay. Answer yes if you can Mr. Shonbrin, are you in trouble?’

“Yes. You must have him meet me at the club. I have to go. One hour Miss Donner. Please.” And the phone went dead in her hands.

Lindsey shook Peter awake. He reached for her pulling her down into the bed and burying his face into the crook of her neck. Despite her concerns she laughed and rubbed him with lazy strokes.


“Who was on the phone?” his voice was muffled by her throat sending tiny waves of vibration through her and she pushed him back as she giggled.


“Here? What did he want?” Peter sat up and scratched his head.

“Want’s to see you at the club, he says he has the names of the suppliers and dealers.”

“Oh good, we can go home.” Peter yawned and stretched.

“Peter, there’s something terribly wrong with this. He sounded bad and the call came direct. Did you tell him where you were staying?”

Peter stood up and began pulling clothes over his naked body. Lindsey looked in awe, she had seen her fair share of naked men, but he was beautiful. Long lean lines of sculptured muscle stretched over his body and his satin smooth skin glowed pale gold in the lamplight. Something else she never had to the chance to see till now were the two tattoos on his body. The one on his left shoulder was a skull and dagger with the words ‘Semper Fi, Do or Die’. She recognized it immediately as Marine Recon. And the other was of an exquisite tiger draped elegantly across his thigh and down his leg. He stopped as he pulled his shirt down over his chest, his stomach a firm six-pack of muscles and Lindsey looked away.

“You’re blushing.” Peter laughed.

“You’ve got tattoos.” She reddened.

“Only two.” He smiled. “And you’re still blushing.”

“You’re naked.” She replied.

“You’ve just slept with me naked for the last five hours Lindsey, you should be immune by now.”

“Normally I would be.” Her mouth was dry.

“Hmm?” he cocked his head to one side and slid on his runners. “In answer to your question no I didn’t tell him where I was staying, and protocol has all of our numbers as unlisted even the cell gets routed through the lab. Wake Curtis and tell him and get Ray to meet me at the club. When did he want me there?”

“In an hour.”

“Okay. Come on.” He kissed her on the cheek and handed her the phone as he finished dressing.


Shon’s head snapped back as the hand belted him again. “You fucking stupid bastard, you know till about ten minutes ago you were going to live.”

Blood spilled down his lips as he tried to focus from behind the bruised and swollen eye.

“Jackson, the OSIR people will know that this is a set up, thanks to our friend. Have your people on point, but out of the way. I want Axon and the girl in here before we start negotiations. Keep Mr. Shonbrin alive until then.”

“And after Dawson?” the massive black man asked.

“After Jackson, you can finish what you started.”

Jackson smiled, his foreboding presence became evil incarnate as he lifted Shon’s battered body from the floor. “My pleasure.”


“Ray?” Peter spoke into the comlink and opened the channel to the mobile lab.

“Got your six.” Ray answered with a chuckle.

Lindsey connected her own comlink and stepped up with him.

“Get back Lindsey you’re not coming.” Peter squinted in the dark alley. No movement could be seen but instinct told him that he was being watched.

“Yes I am. I won’t let you go in alone.” Lindsey planted her feet apart and stared at him.

“Axon, Donner.” Rollins voice came over the comlink.

“Here.” Peter answered.

“We have a security team on standby along with local law enforcement. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes sir,” Lindsey replied coolly, “when I spoke to him he said he was in trouble and was insistent that Peter come to see him.”

“Did he say alone?” Rollins quizzed.

“No he didn’t.” Lindsey dared Peter to speak as she glowered at him.

“Alright, proceed with caution. Donohue will be right behind you.”

The door to the club opened and Shon stumbled out, a gun pointed to his head as he was held up by the scruff of the neck by a large menacing looking black man. Lindsey gasped in shock as blood poured from a dozen wounds on his face.

Peter stood up from the car and stepped forward he took his tan coat off and dropped it on the hood of the car and spread his hands wide showing he was unarmed.

“Let him go and we’ll talk.” Peter said calmly.

“You Axon?” The black man asked.


“Can’t let him go. You have what we need, you give it to us and we’ll deliver your playmate back.” The man squeezed and Shon moaned as his knees buckled.

“What do we have?” Peter inched forward his eyes wary as he took in the shadows.

“Come closer.”

“Peter be careful, three men moving fast on thermal imaging from inside the building.” Ray warned into the com.

“So now I’m here, what is it I have that you want?”

“The Chemical breakdown of Nexus and the delivery method.”

Peter laughed. “I thought you already had that.”

Dawson stepped out of the shadows and held the point of Franz’s knife to Shon’s throat drawing a thin line of fresh blood.

“Not yet.” Dawson answered.

“What’s his involvement?” Peter asked as he inched closer, still keeping his hands wide.

“Mr. Shonbrin? Wrong place, wrong time. You know what it’s like. Get what we want and you get to keep him in one piece.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we don’t have it.”

“You lie!” the black man spat as he pulled Shon’s head back cruelly.

“No I don’t.” Peter was calm. “The information was directed from our database to the national drug archive and then purged from our system. Technically it’s not our field.” Peter was only inches away and he saw the fear in Shon’s eyes as he fought the waves of pain lance through his body.

“Then you’ll get it.” Dawson yelled his control of the situation slipping in the face of the professional in front of him.

“Even if I could, I wouldn’t.” Peter answered.

“Peter, on point, there’s a man coming in from behind. I have a clear shot.” Ray spoke rapid fire and watched the video feed. Peter’s hands were still held wide, the right one balling into a fist, and he recognised the symbol to wait.

“He’ll die.” Dawson threatened.

“I don’t think you want to kill anyone else.” Peter’s voice was calm; he felt as if time had stood still, adrenalin sang in his veins as he pressed on relentlessly. “What’s the score now? Three today?”

“Yeah. Going for a new record.” Dawson answered smugly.

“Hey Shon how you doing?” Peter asked as he saw the intelligent eyes roll back.

“Been better.” Shon answered through split lips and smiled weakly.

“Enough of the chitchat!” Dawson snarled seeing his man come from behind. “I want the formula or he dies.”

Jackson began pulling his hostage inside when Shon tripped and fell. Peter lunged forward as he saw the blade arc up and a single gunshot split the calm night air.

Dawson pitched over as Shon let out an agonised cry. Two more shots repeated as the man behind Peter fell lifelessly to the cold earth. The third shot from the roof took Dawson out but not before the knife buried itself into soft flesh. Peter screamed as Jackson tried to disentangle himself and flee. He managed only to be stopped a few feet away by the local police.

The light faded in Dawson’s eyes as he collapsed to the ground and a tear fell from Shon’s as he cradled Peter’s body against his own. A deep well of blood sprang up around the wicked blade that protruded from Peter’s chest and his eyes closed. A dark smudge of blood appeared on his lips as he curled his fingers around Shon’s broken hand and passed out.


“Matt. You’ve done an exceptional job.” The President smiled as he chewed the end of his pipe.

“Thank you Mr. President. However, I’d like to be there when Elsinger is taken down.”

“I’m sure we can accommodate you. In the interim the information obtained will not leave this room. Joel you have Air Force One on standby?”

“We do sir.”

“And where is Mr. Elsinger now?” The President asked.

“Area 51.” Colonel Anderson spoke.

“General Mackinroth?”

“Our team have isolated his house and are on standby to bring him in under national security. And Caroll is already in custody.”

“Who do we have at Area51 that we know we can trust?”

“At this point sir, the entire base is compromised. I can mobilize a team and have them onsite within thirty-six hours to lock the base down until we can clean the system out.”

“Can you make sure that none of the evidence is destroyed or tampered with?” Matt asked suddenly feeling uneasy.

“Yes sir, we can. With the President’s permission we can mount a strike force to secure the base before you arrive.” Anderson was very calm.

“Make it so.” The President spoke. “Matt there is one other thing that you may have overlooked in this though.”


The President put the folder down in his hand and reached over the table to the pile of photo’s picking up the one of Connor. “Do you know this man?” He held the photo up.

“Only by reputation sir, we didn’t get the chance to meet.”

“You’ll get your chance Matt.” The President stood up and pulled on his jacket as the officers filed out snapping orders as they went.

“Sir?” Matt couldn’t trust his legs, he felt drained and his energy reserves, which till now had been powered by adrenalin, were all but depleted.

“According to intelligence, Professor Doyle is alive and is a guest of the facility. He has been of specific interest to Mr. Elsinger who has made regular visits to the facility over the last ten months. This could take a while. I suggest you get some rest.” The President put his hand on Matt’s shoulder and spoke gently.

Matt shook his head, a genuine smile spreading across his features for the first time in months. He gathered his evidence and stuffed folders into his satchel as he hurried after the Presidential committee. When they moved, they moved fast and he found himself jogging to catch up.


Clair patted Lindsey’s shoulders as she sat hunched in the sparse hospital waiting room. Almost six hours had gone by since they wheeled Peter into surgery and as yet there was no word. She recognised Ray Axon immediately and all but flew into his arms as he swaggered down the long corridor.

“Any news?” he asked gruffly as he held onto Lindsey’s hand and came face to face with Curtis Rollins.

“None yet sir.” Curtis replied respectfully to the old man who at once had turned on his heels and with Lindsey still in tow headed over to where Ray leaned against the wall.

“Mr. Donahue, I understand from your team that it was you who saved my son.” Ray Axon for all his years was still a formidable presence.

“I got the shot off too late sir, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” Donahue answered sourly.

“It’s because you got the shot off at all that we are here Ray. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Where’s Hendricks?” Dr. Axon looked around the room for the old doctor.

“He’s on his way.” Lindsey squeezed his hand.

“Good. And Praeger?”

Lindsey looked stunned. “I wasn’t aware you knew Matt.”

“We’ve spoken in the past. Peter trusts him- where is he?”

“He’s on assignment in Washington sir, we’ve paged him through his cell phone but he’s out of range. We’ll keep trying.” Rollins answered. “Lindsey, Mr. Shonbrin is awake and asking to see you.”

Lindsey nodded and wiped her face, the tracks of her tears still in evidence as she kissed Dr. Axon on the cheek and headed down the corridor.

“Would you mind telling me what happened?” Ray Axon had the uncanny ability to make a request sound like and order as he fixed Rollins with a cold stare.

“Peter was negotiating a hostage situation that got out of hand.”

“And the men involved Mr. Rollins?”

“Two dead, two arrests with another being indicted.” Rollins watched the theatre doors for signs of movement.

“And the hostage?” the elder Axon paced.

“Lindsey has gone down to see him now, he’s stable.”

Anton Hendricks came running up the corridor and spotted the tense group outside the theatre.

“Dr Axon.” Anton extended his hand.

“Hello Anton, its good to see you again.” Ray allowed himself to be led away to sit in the lounge as Clair Davis pushed a cup of coffee into his hand.

“I wish it were under different circumstances. Any news yet?” Anton looked up into the faces of his team members and scowled at Rollins.

“Dr. Axon?” A young nurse came over to the group and asked. Ray stood up.


“Your son is out of surgery sir, the doctor will see you now if you follow me.” She turned in her white shoes and led the way. Anton tagged along behind Ray and the rest of the team stayed put.

“Dr. Axon, I’m Mark Andrews.” The young surgeon was still in scrubs as he closed the door to his office.

“This is a colleague of mine Dr. Hendricks.” Ray sat down. “How’s my boy?” his gruff demeanour only barely masking the very real pain that filtered through his chest.

“He’s stable. The knife missed all his vital organs but there are some complications.”

“What complications?” Anton prompted seeing the old man sag in his seat.

"The knife used in the attack was laced with a concentrated form of the Nexus drug. We lost him on the table twice- he lost a lot of blood and will be in considerable pain for the next few days."

“What does this drug do?” Ray asked.

“It’s basically an hallucinogenic. We lost two kids in here a week ago and another is still in serious condition. Mr. Shonbrin was also affected with the drug but fortunately the dose he received was significantly less potent. I don’t know the long-term effects of the drug; for the moment he’s stable and will be in intensive care for the next day or so. You can see him in an hour, Dr. Hendricks are you his physician?”

“Yes, I’m Chief of Medical at the OSIR, Peter is directly under my care.”

“Sir, toxicology turned up trace evidence of prescription drugs. Can you give me a full detail?”

“Yes, I’ve prescribed him diazepam 5mg twice a day with a mild sleeping pill at night.”

The surgeon frowned. “For?”

Anton looked flushed as he glanced the dark look Ray Axon threw at him.

“Peter has been experiencing severe depression after the death of a colleague nearly two years ago. His condition escalated recently and he began drug therapy.”

“How would you say his emotional state is? I ask this Doctor because of the drug in his system now. We need to know how he’ll react.”

“Yes I am fully aware of the reasons.” Anton snapped he took a deep breath. “Peter has been very withdrawn over the last few months, he’s had difficulties at work and he suffered a traumatic personal loss.”

“Is he suicidal?”

There was a long silence as Anton thought about his answer and looked again at the elder Axon. “No I don’t think so.”

“And when was anyone going to tell his father?” Ray thundered.

“Sir, it was up to Peter to tell you.” Anton sighed heavily.

“I want to see my son now, if you don’t mind.”

“He’s still in post op sir, as soon as we move him to the ward.”

“Now!” Axon ordered. “I was head of surgery before you wore long pants son, I know all the answers. I want to see him now!”

The young surgeon smiled and stood up, “I’ll have my nurse arrange it.”

“How’s Peter?” Rollins asked Anton, as he emerged alone from the office.

“He made it through the operation, he’s stable no thanks to you.” Anton spat.

“I had nothing to do with it Hendricks.” Rollins glowered over the old man.

“I don’t believe that for a second, stay clear of him Curtis.” Anton pushed forward.

“Until Central tell me otherwise he’s under my care.” Curtis spat.

“Not anymore.” Donahue put his hand on Rollins shoulder. “I suggest Curtis you go home, his team will look after him.”

Rollins shrugged off the offending hand and stormed out.

“He wasn’t to blame Anton.” Ray said softly.

“Not directly. It was a hostage situation, from the report Lindsey and Peter suspected that going in. The police were briefed that it might be volatile. At what point does it no longer become the case manager’s job to protect his people?” Anton was angry and rubbed his hand over his face.

“I’m going down to find Lindsey.” Ray walked away his overcoat slung over a broad shoulder.


The private room was quiet and sterile, Shon was propped on the bed, and bandages festooned every part of his body, his handsome face barely recognizable from behind the dark bruises. Lindsey sat beside his bed speaking gently and holding onto his fingers, careful of the IV feed that protruded from his hand.

“How is he?” Shon’s voice was an anguished whisper over a parched and bruised throat.

“We don’t know, he’s still in surgery.”

Shon lifted his hand to brush the tears from her face as she lowered her head to the bed and sighed heavily. She was so tired. “You’ve been here the whole time?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t leave him.”

Shon smiled weakly. “He has that affect on people. I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” Lindsey soothed. “It wasn’t your fault. You were the victim here as well.”

Shon nodded. “Dawson?”

“The kid with the knife? He’s alive and singing like a canary, one of your upstanding local businessmen was behind the whole charade.”

“Makes sense.” Shon nodded towards the door. “Mr. Donahue.”

Ray’s face was grave and pre-occupied as he entered the room. Expecting the worst Lindsey clutched the bedding tightly.

“Peter will be fine, he’s out of surgery.” Ray smiled.

Lindsey leapt to her feet and slung her arms around his neck. “Thank God.”

“There were some complications, he lost a lot of blood and flat-lined twice on the table. But the knife missed the major organs and he’s in recovery. Doc says we can see him in a couple of hours.”

She wiped at the tears on her face.

“He was stabbed with the same knife as me.” Shon’s voice was weak. “Had Nexus on it.”

Ray nodded, “Yes they know, very concentrated from the reports. They don’t know the long term effects.”

“But he’s alive.” Lindsey emphasised.

“Yes. His dad’s in with him now.”

“And Curtis?”

“Anton’s here, we sent Curtis home.”

“Good.” Lindsey looked back at the man on the bed and gnawed at her lower lip.

“Go.” Shon smiled and waved her away.

She kissed him on the cheek and almost ran out the door.


For all his years in the profession of healing people Ray Axon was ill equipped for the sight of his child laying prone on the gurney. His pale features were grey against the white bedding. Heavy gauze bandages wrapped the broad chest and bruises had already begun to appear under his normally expressive blue eyes.

His resolve nearly fled him as he ambled forward and ran his fingers along his son’s hand.

“Oh Peter.” He sighed heavily and for the first time since his wife died wept. Nothing could ever prepare you for seeing your baby so vulnerable and distressed. Peter moved his head on the pillow clawing himself up from the depths of unconsciousness. He opened his eyes and blinked, unable to speak and moved his fingers as his father clutched at his hand.


“Shhhh, don’t talk son, I’m here.”

Peter nodded and drifted back into the medication as a small knowing smile bent his lips.


“Anton I think it’s time you and I had a talk about Peter.” Ray nodded towards the elevators. “In private if you don’t mind.” Without waiting for a response the old doctor strode away and Anton hurried to catch him up.

They rode down in the lift together and it wasn’t until they were seated outside in the hospital park with the sun warming them that Ray turned to Anton.

“It wasn’t my place.” Anton pre-empted the question and Ray scowled.

“Are you aware of the type of friendship my son had with Connor?” Ray watched the pretty nurses sit down on the grass and open packaged sandwiches.

“Yes, are you?”

“I’m not stupid man, of course I knew. Peter loved him so much, I told him to come home after the memorial service and he said no, he couldn’t bear to be away from his things.”

“And you’re okay with this?” Anton asked slightly shocked.

“That my son prefers men? Of course not, but no matter what he does, he’s my son. I can’t pretend to understand the preference but I liked Connor, and he was good for Peter so how could I meddle?”

“We didn’t know at all until two weeks ago.” Anton leaned back in the seat and stretched out his long legs.

“So I gathered. Peter never spoke about it and I know that the only person who was close to him was Mrs. Mac.”


“You haven’t met her? She’s the housekeeper.”

“Oh. No, I’ve never had cause to visit the house.” Anton stuffed his hands in his pockets and relaxed.

“Tell me Anton, just how good are your psych evaluations at the OSIR?”

“We would hope the best.”

“You’d be wrong. Didn’t anyone care enough to take an interest in him?”

“He didn’t want us to. Every time we tried he turned us away.”

“Seems like no one tried very hard.”

“If you knew what he was going through why didn’t you go to see him?” Anton was defensive.

“Because Peter and I don’t see eye to eye. I didn’t think he needed the conflict with me.”

“What is the source of the conflict?” Anton asked the question that had puzzled him.

“The Axons are all doctors, medical doctors, I was fifth generation. Peter was determined not to follow in my footsteps and was very vocal about that. In the interim my wife died and Peter was involved in a fatal car crash. He was only a kid.” Ray shook his head as he clutched the edge of the wooden bench, his knuckles turning white against the pressure.

“Yes I know about the accident.”

“Two boys died, they were just kids, Peter was not legally drunk but he’d had enough.”

“According to the accident report at the time despite his level of intoxication, he wasn’t at fault there were no charges laid.”

“No but the kids’ parents didn’t see it that way, they needed someone to blame. And he came home to me and I totally failed to see his pain or what he was telling me.”

“That he was involved with one of the boys who died.” Anton theorised

“Yes and I lost my cool and threw him out. That was a long time ago. Eight years almost to the day that he came home to help Annie.”

“But I would have thought things got better between you two since then.”

“Not really, I didn’t push and Peter wasn’t interested in letting me in. I’m just hoping now it’s not too late.”

“He’ll be fine Ray.” Anton offered a conciliatory hand.

“You said to the surgeon that you didn’t considered him suicidal.”

“He’s exhibiting some disturbing signs and I’ve kept a close eye on him. Nothing specific, but we were worried.”

“You and Matt Praeger?”

“I didn’t realise you knew Matt.”

“He phoned me a few days ago, he wanted me to keep an eye on Peter.”

“Yes he’s been concerned. When Connor died Peter was the last person to see him alive, we all believed for a long time that Peter didn’t do everything he could to save him. Bearing in mind we didn’t know the depth of the relationship.”

“So he’s been what ostracised? And the major dissenting voice?”

“Lindsey, but she and Peter have made their peace.”

“Yes Lindsey was in love with Connor.”

“You don’t miss much.”

Ray shrugged and leaned back mirroring Anton’s posture. “When you get to be my age it’s hard to miss what’s obvious. You know Connor came back to Bell Island after the case.”

“No. I know he took a couple of weeks off and gave Peter some time at home.”

“Yes he did. Annie is still crazy about Peter, but when she got to know Connor it was instant, she took to him and fussed.”

“She knew about them?”

“Peter told her the first day he was alone with her, over coffee in the kitchen.”

“And you suspected.”

Ray laughed, “No I caught them kissing in Peter’s room. Peter was rather awkward and smiled. Connor on the other hand was cool and very much in control.”

“What did you do?”

“Asked him if he was serious about my boy and if he intended to make an honest man of him.” Ray answered with a chuckle.

Anton laughed. “Yes I can see you doing that.”

“Connor just rolled his eyes and said he didn’t know about the honest but he’d certainly made a man out of him and walked past. Peter just kept blushing.”

“You liked Connor.”

“Yes what I knew of him. Peter was very emotional, took after his mother and with Connor he really was a very calm complete man, one that I could be proud to call son.”

“You weren’t proud of him before?”

“Of course I was, I didn’t want him to be the way he was, but then I didn’t really know him. In those few days Connor taught me to love my son again and it was nice to see him so relaxed.”

“Connor had that affect on a lot of people.”

“He made them feel safe. I think Peter misses that most of all; it’s like losing your wife. All the tomorrows you make are gone and instead it’s dark and bleak and you expect to turn to the only person who understands you and they’re gone; it’s hard to cope. Knowing my son as I do, I doubt he’s even dated, and probably has kept the hope that Connor will somehow miraculously walk through the door.”

“It’s not likely to happen.” Anton smiled thinly as he looked down at his watch. “Peter should be moved to a ward by now. I’d like to see him if you don’t mind.”

“Not in the least, but I suggest you keep your case manager away.”

“You don’t like Curtis?”

“When he rang and told me what had happened he was rather undiplomatic.”

“Curtis is homophobic.”

“To the point of being dangerous, I got that. Ray’s keeping an eye on Peter.”

“As senior staff member, I’ve ordered the team back to Central with the exception of myself, Lindsey and Ray.”

“You sent Curtis home?”

“With his tail between his legs. He screwed up big time, it wasn’t Peter’s position to do a hostage negotiation and Curtis insisted that he go. There will be an inquiry and Curtis will be made to answer.”

“He planned it?”

“I don’t know for sure. Curtis is confused; apparently he caught Lindsey and Peter in a rather hot embrace in the conference room.”

Ray chuckled. “I always taught my boy, the best defense is a good offence.”

“Will you take Peter home with you?”

“Back to Bell Island? If he wants to go, but I think he’d be better off at home.”

“He’s going to need care, we could organize a nurse.”

“He’s got a perfectly good doctor, he doesn’t need a nurse.” Ray stood up and smoothed aged hands down is dark pants.


“Are you sure of this information?” Matt Praeger suspiciously eyed the documents in his hand and winced.

“As far as we can be. Every paper trail has to have a point of origin. Which is how you determined that we had a problem in the first place.” Joel sipped at the scotch in the stateroom of Air Force One.

“No, actually when Carroll was court-martialed the President called me in to do some ferreting for him.”

“Yes. I wasn’t aware you knew Bob that well.”

Matt laughed. “We have a mutual history.”

“Oh yes and her name was?” Joel laughed.

“Rebecca.” Matt smiled wistfully. “He knew that Carroll was only one of a group of people acting covertly within the government that was causing him serious embarrassment. Especially when sensitive information was leaked to the press.”

“I was briefed after that. Carroll was court-martialed and then he appealed the decision. With a loss of rank and privilege he was allowed to continue his commission within the Air Force.”

“Lemme guess?” Matt rolled his eyes.

“Don’t need to. General Mackinroth was a leading voice in having him re-instated.”

“How tight is the Presidential security in this matter Joel?”

“We are about to find out.”

“A week is a hell of a long time to sit on this, the NID boys may have already destroyed the evidence.”

Joel huffed. “Makes no difference Matt. This will never see the light of day, the presidential committee will deal internally and those who have been obvious will be convinced that they need to work within the confines of their system.”

“The results being disastrous for those who are left unattended hey Joel?” Matt was disgusted. “Makes us no better than them.”

“We are all them, that’s the problem. We need to minimize fallout. We get rid of Mackinroth, Carroll, Elsinger and everyone else in the interim. I would say we win.” Joel poured another scotch and looked out the window at the passing clouds.

“You know that according to our intelligence, Doyle is possibly still alive?” Matt finally asked the question that had bothered him for the last week.

He’d waited on tender hooks for the first thirty-six hours and then through the raid to lock down the base. No injuries, Elsinger under lock and key and status reports. The White House flew in a special team including doctors and scientists along with a complete security force, and the long wait began.

“Yes, there is a possibility. From the liberated files,” Joel leaned forward and tapped his palm pilot to open the secure documents, “it would appear that Doyle was transferred along with the bodies of the Russian team and three live parasites to the facility in a cryo unit, just as you suspected. His condition is registered as stable but I’ve also taken the liberty of discussing the tests that have been conducted.”

Matt paled. “Tests.”

“Connor was kept alive for the first fourteen months in a drug-induced coma. The doctors made detailed notes on the condition of the parasite during this time and conducted several experiments. From what I gather, he was in a great deal of pain so they kept him heavily tranquilized when they did allow him to awaken.”

“Human lab rat?” Matt moved closer to peer into the tiny hand held screen.

“For all accounts and purposes. The doctors who have accessed these files have confirmed that there was a major amount of damage done to him from the parasite and the tests on a whole were very invasive. It wasn’t until six months ago that they decided to terminate the project.”

“NID was going to kill him.” Matt scrolled the page.

“Yes. But the doctor wanted to see what the parasite would do under pressure changes. I’m no scientist but it seems they put him in a hyperbaric chamber and observed. The parasite was destroyed within his system completely, and in doing so released an enzyme which speeded his recovery.”

“So the project continued to see what the long term affects would be.”

“Precisely. Connor is not a docile man, he was very active and vocal.”

“So they sedated him?”

“Fairly constantly from what we can deduce.”

“What’s his physical condition?”

“Quiet good. He’s regained the weight he lost during the initial phases of the project and his muscle tone is excellent. But.” Joel looked deeply into the eyes of the man next to him.

“His mental condition is deteriorating.”

“Yes. You’ve seen service men who came back after the gulf who were detained?”

“Yeah, not a pretty sight.”

“This is a difficult situation Matt, he is withdrawn. For the last six months or more his entire world has been a ten-foot square, well-appointed cell. He hasn’t seen the sun, been allowed fresh air and has had nothing to keep his mind active except the totally dehumanizing experiments he endured.”

“And the monthly visits he’s had from Elsinger?”

“Tapes are still coming in, but it wasn’t pleasant. Elsinger hated him.”

“No kidding?” Matt sat back and rubbed his neck.

“You haven’t mentioned this to Axon yet have you?”

“No. Peter was on assignment in Toronto with Rollins and got stabbed. He’s due to be released from hospital today, I don’t think he’s strong enough to handle this yet.”

“Especially given what we might find.”

“Doyle may no longer be sane.” Matt sighed.


“Hey Dad.” Peter was packed and waiting by the time his father arrived, his arm securely bound by a sling over the thick woollen jumper.

“You ready?”

“More than ready.” Peter rolled his eyes. “Thank you for being here Dad.” He muttered awkwardly. Ray Axon sat down in the chair and gazed up at his son.

“Are things really so strained between us son?”

Peter pinched his forehead with thumb and forefinger before answering, a clear sign of his discomfit. “No I guess not. I’m just not used to the attention Dad.”

“I know, but we have to start somewhere don’t we?”

“If you want to. Dad I don’t want to be discarded again when you can no longer stand my lifestyle or am embarrassed by me.”

Ray gripped his son by the shoulder and smiled. “I’ve been angry, but I have never been embarrassed by you. You’re my son. To hell with what the world thinks.”

Peter sniffed before drawing himself painfully to his full height. “I miss him Dad.”

“I know son, I still miss your mother. I wish I could tell you it gets easier.”

Peter smiled slowly. “Dad, they never told me but I died on the table didn’t I?”

Both Anton and the hospital psychiatrist had agreed not to mention certain details to Peter. Dying on the table was one of them- the residual affects of the drugs had caused his nightmares to increase and for several days after the surgery, the post operation malaise had taken hold. But Ray coaxed his son back to him, knowing the inner strength in the quiet man had been damaged.

“Yes.” Ray sat heavily on the seat and stared up.

“See I know it was twice, the first time Dad I was ready to go, wasn’t going to fight it because I wanted to be with Connor.”

“I never realized you believed in an afterlife.” Ray smiled.

“Seen too much not to, but Dad, Connor wasn’t there. That’s why the second time I fought to come back.”

“Peter, Connor is dead.” Ray became alarmed.

“No he’s not, and you’ll think I’m hallucinating but I’m not. Dad I don’t expect you to understand, I don’t myself, but I know the reason why I couldn’t let him go.” There was a touch of urgency in the voice.

“Is because you believe him to still be alive?”

“Uh, I don’t know but I can still feel him, everywhere, in my heart and in my head and I know that my soul which I’m not even certain I possess couldn’t touch him”

“Look son, you’ve had a hell of a time of it. Let’s get you home and settled and we’ll discuss it in a day or so.” Ray bent to pick up the overnight bag and Peter hung his head staring blankly at his hand.

“Sure Dad.”


“Final Case Log Entry: Anton Hendricks reporting. Case number seven eight one nine has been officially closed. Local law enforcement are treating the matter with caution as several major local business people appear to be involved with the distribution and creation of a new street drug Nexus. Russell Sinclair has been indicted along with several other accomplices who are assisting police with their investigations. Senior Science Analyst Peter Axon continues to improve and has been released from hospital into his father’s care. He has suffered no long-term effects from exposure to the drug. Luke Moncrieff also continues to improve and has had no further psychotic episodes. Curtis Rollins has been suspended from active duty pending a full inquiry into his handling of the case. Similarly Frank Elsinger has been stood down and will not be returning to active duty. Central control has named me as the new temporary head of operations. Hendricks out.”


Matt was never impressed with government installations. Area 51 was no different than the dozens of others he’d had to visit over the years. Situated in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by hillocks and tufts of grass that steadfastly clung to life when it would be clearly better if they gave up the ghost, made his skin crawl. The low squat buildings of the installation had all the aesthetics of concrete poured haphazardly on the unsuspecting landscape and he felt a pang stab at him that Doyle may have been locked in such inhospitable surroundings for so long.

The security guard waved them through and going into the central offices with Joel they took the lift down the ten floors into the complex hidden deep underground. Bright lights illuminated the grey corridors; painted directional signs on the floor the only indication of movement from area to area. Bleak, cold, and forbidding the clinical atmosphere was interspersed by the occasional grim faced technician that scurried along at a fair clip. Matt frowned, a lot of worried faces passed him and increased his already nervous disposition. Aware of the frenetic energy that almost burst from them he found himself sidestepping their headlong flight frequently.

The Commanding Officer had been withheld, the entire base was on lock down and the marines were not prepared to allow anyone any leeway. He followed the escort they had picked up in silence, his hands firmly clenched in his pockets as his thoughts went back to the mercurial man who had become his friend. Peter had grown over the years that they had known each other; he was smooth, controlled; more assertive now than he had ever been before. Tragedy had tempered the man along with pain and he found himself dreading seeing Doyle. If he was truly alive just where did that leave him? His feelings over the last few weeks had been in turmoil and while he couldn’t deny the growing attraction he knew it was wrong. Not for the reasons of sexuality, he found that didn’t bother him in the least, but for the reasons he had approached Peter at all. Guilt combined with rage and need was an amoral mix at best but on cold dark lonely nights Matthew imagined the man he had held only once in his arms and shuddered. He was about to lose it all, and then he chided himself; he had nothing to lose and a friend to gain.

They were led into a room with a two way mirror, on the other side was a man hooked up to IV’s laying crumpled on a bed and Matt knew he couldn’t and never wanted to compete. He smiled.

“Professor Doyle I assume?” he quirked his lips into a smile as he turned to Joel.

“You assume correctly Matt; the doctors say his condition is stable and that the IV is merely a precaution. However, he has been openly hostile to anyone who approaches him.”

“Maybe I should have a talk to him.”

“He doesn’t know you.” Joel folded his arms across his chest.

“No but I know Peter and that should give me some leverage. Besides, if he won’t co-operate there’s a very real chance that we’ll lose him forever.”

“Alright.” Joel nodded to the doctor. “Makes sense. Just tell me why Matt.”

“Why?” Matthew feigned ignorance and turned back to stare at his old friend.

“I’m not stupid and neither are you. I just wish I could believe you’ve done all of this because it was your job.”

“It is my job.” Matt asserted.

“Caring this much is never anyone’s job, Matt. We do it because we want to. I’m just glad we have you on our side.”


He sauntered into the room; aware of the dark eyes that followed his every movement and the coiled power in the smaller form. Despite nearly two years of privation he looked remarkably well. A little grey and weary but nevertheless whole.

“And you would be?” the soft Canadian accent drifted across the room and Matt smiled.

“Matt Praeger.”

“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Connor pushed himself up in the bed and folded his arms across his chest.

“Probably not. I got your job.” Matt sat down and smiled.

“Friend of Elsinger’s then?” Connor said the name with evident distaste.

“Hardly.” Matthew laughed out loud. “Frank is right where he should be.”

“And that is?” Connor’s voice was still soft as he studied the other man, not openly hostile but wary.

“Behind bars.”

“You’re the one responsible for this then?” Connor looked down at the IV.

“Responsible for bringing the sonofabitch down yes. For you being here no.”

“What happens now?” Connor relaxed slightly; whether Matt had breached the wall or because he was just weary Praeger couldn’t tell.

“Largely depends on you but I’m sure Peter would be happy to see you again.” Matt watched intently as Connor paled, anger etched into every taut line of his body.

“Cruel Mr. Praeger.” Connor closed his eyes.

“Not meant to be. Just what did Elsinger tell you?” Matt began a restless pacing.

“Peter died in Angelesk.”

“Peter was told the same thing about you.”

“In my case it was true. Besides even if he is alive, it’s been too long.” Connor’s voice hitched as he looked away. His sensual lips caught between his teeth.

“Have it your way. Look I’m not here to fence with you or make up stories; I think we’ve all had enough of Elsinger’s shit to last a lifetime. But I saw Peter a few days ago still grieving over the man he loves. Check that Doyle not loved loves; your clothes are still in the freaking closet. You work it out.”

Each word struck Connor like a blow, the strident tone, the scowling face and he withered in the face of it. Too much pain, too much time passed.

“I didn’t even know you were still alive.” Matt retook his seat and softened his voice as he dropped his head. “The President wanted to break Elsinger’s back and coerced me into doing it. It’s taken a long time Connor but finding you alive was not what I expected.”

“Peter doesn’t know yet does he?”

“No.” Matt rubbed his hand over his face. “He was on a case with Rollins in Canada.”

“Do other people know about Peter and me?” Connor folded his arms again.

“Yes. He told us a couple of weeks ago, at Lindsey’s party.”

“Then things would have been ugly with Rollins. What is it you are not telling me Mr. Praeger?"

“It’s Matt and Donahue has Peter’s six on that. He’s had to endure a lot of guilt since your “death”, mostly unjustified and largely escalated by his desire to keep his life secret.”

“Lindsey and Peter tearing at each other’s throats?” Connor’s voice was impossibly quiet and strained with fatigue.

“Lindsey was.” Matt admitted.

“And Peter?” Connor narrowed his eyes; the passionate man he knew and loved would never back down when wrongly accused. His own guilt however, was another matter.

“Became withdrawn and quiet. He only told us after he tendered his resignation to Elsinger.”

“To do?”

“Chair at Harvard.”

Connor smiled softly and Matt found himself drawn to the calm enigmatic man who sat incongruously propped in the bed. “He didn’t fight back?”

“No he didn’t. He spends most of his spare time in the gym, which has done wonders for him but he’s tired Doyle. More tired than I have ever seen him and he needs you.”

Connor scowled slightly. “Yes I heard that. Just what were you trying to achieve Matt?”

Matt shrugged; he knew the question would be asked. Doyle had the aura of intelligence that was so very rarely found and he knew that with it went an emotive ability to read other people and their motives. He would, Prager conceded, have been an awesome Case Manager and opted for a truthful response. “Peter is a friend, if nothing else I wanted people to know that Elsinger was responsible for your death. To give him some closure.”

“A convincing party line, but what was it you wanted?” Connor laid his head back against the cool pillows and fought sleep.

“To give a friend some peace.” Matt answered almost absently.

“To give Peter peace, or yourself?”

“Probably both. The docs don’t intend to spring you from here for a couple of days. If you want to go home you’ll need to co-operate.”


“You have no reason to trust them I agree, but the White House will bring in private specialists.”

“I said no. It’s better Matt, if you don’t tell Peter and let him get on with his life. Too much has happened, too much time and pain.” Despite the pain in his voice Connor stayed calm.

“I intend to tell Peter no matter what you say, and if you want a face you can trust I’ll bring Anton here.”

“You don’t get it do you?” Anger flared in Connor as he sat bolt upright.

“Yeah I get it alright. You think that maybe the living up to the dream will leave Peter wanting something he can’t have. Nevertheless, I held him in my arms,” Matt rose from his chair and leaned over the prone man, “and watched him sob himself to sleep because he still loves you. Not the memory, not the Professor or his case manager, you Doyle- the man. And if nothing else you can shove his love back into his face and take away the guilt that’s eating him alive, because I for one Professor won’t do it.”

“Bastard.” Connor breathed the word as he slumped back against the pillows.

“Frequently. So what’s it to be, you going to play nice and talk to the doctors or do I have to drag Peter here in his condition.”

“Condition?” Connor’s eyes flew open and he searched the other man’s face, his anger a real presence in the room.

“Shit.” Matt cursed. “You may as well know Peter was hurt on the last assignment.”


“Partly. He was involved in a hostage situation that got out of hand, he was stabbed with a knife laced with a new street drug.”

“How bad is he?” Connor fiddled with the IV in his arm and frowned.

“They lost him a couple of times on the table due to blood loss, but he’s back home with his Dad and Mrs. Mac. He’ll be fine.”

“Alright.” Connor breathed softly. “Bring in Sonja or Anton’ either one I don’t care, and I want to talk to Peter.”

“Anton it is. As for talking to Peter that depends on Anton.”

“Because you doubt my sanity? Or because you’re worried about what I’ll say to him?” Connor looked up and saw the misery in Matt’s face.

“Protocol. I don’t doubt your sanity but they do.” Matt nodded towards the glass two-way mirror.

“You’re in love with him aren’t you?”

“Probably.” Matt answered before sitting down heavily in the chair. “But it’s not what you think. Peter was having a nightmare and I stayed over, my place is being painted again. Hey that’s what you get for letting a seventeen year old pick the colour scheme.”

“And?” Connor prompted gently.

“I went to see if he was okay and I held him till he slept. Same as I would do for my kid, nothing special.”

Connor smiled and reached a hand out to Matt’s shoulder. “I think it probably was very special, and a lesser man would not want me to go home. Thank you.”

“No problem; besides it’s not me you have to worry about, it’s Dana.”


“Dana, my daughter, didn’t I mention she’s got this horrible crush on Peter and has had for a couple of years?” Matt shuddered theatrically and smiled as he stood to go.

“Well at least she’s got good taste.”

“Course she has, she’s my kid.” Matt closed the door and leaned against the frame outside. His entire body shaking, did he mean what he said, was he in love with Peter is this what this was all about? He walked the grey corridors blending in to one another but he found his way to the commissary and sat down with a cup of hot chocolate before he realized where he was. Completely engrossed in thought. He knew, damn it! He knew that Connor was right, he was in love and it was eating him alive and seeing Doyle was not what he expected or wanted. He wasn’t gay, never once in his life had he even considered taking a male lover, but it wasn’t a male lover that was the issue it was that the person he saw when he closed his eyes was Peter, and his heart beat faster. It would be so easy to leave Connor to the military, so easy to just take Elsinger down and free Axon from his guilt. And then what? Matt derided himself. Hope against hope that Peter would want him? Matt closed his eyes again and pinched the bridge of his nose, he tried to imagine sex with a man, precisely he tried to imagine what it would be like to have sex with Peter and he found that the vision appealed, stirring base instincts he thought only applied to woman. And then he saw the face, the hurt and betrayal that would crumple the man when Elsinger used the whip hand and he found out Connor was alive. Knew without recourse that Peter would never turn to him again, would flay him alive and take what little was left of his battered soul and he would be bereft without the sweet torment of his friendship.

Was it about sex? Was it about the forevers that he saw mirrored in Doyle’s eyes or was it about saving the sanity of a friend? A good friend, one of the few true people whom he trusted and loved? Was it the same? Matt smiled around his chocolate, no it wasn’t the same. The questions he should have asked himself months before he answered now with surprising clarity, he loved Peter that was true, could he live with him in a relationship without either of them killing each other? Matt laughed out loud, no he doubted it. Was he happy to be the one to take Doyle home to Peter, yes he was, in fact he was ecstatic, it had been a long time since he felt this good and he smiled again. Yes, this was right, and he found the peace he’d looked for in that brief moment of clarity.


Connor stared up at the sterile ceiling unable to sleep; he closed his eyes and dimmed the lights in the room before turning on his side away from the prying eyes, and wound his arms across his stomach. He hurt but somewhere deep in that pain was warmth he’d forgotten. He closed his eyes and saw Peter’s face before him, the storm blue eyes alive with warmth and passion, and the touch of his hand on his cold skin that warmed him and gave him back life. He could literally smell the man in his room and looked around unable to believe the strength of his own imagination. He was alone and a hollow ache opened up. He couldn’t go home, it was foolish to assume that the Government would let him walk after everything that happened. He couldn’t hope, wouldn’t that Peter would be waiting for him. His lover deserved better than the fractured remains of the man he was. He couldn’t bare to be loved only because of a past that resonated with guilt. Whatever else Doyle was he couldn’t stand to be the source of any more pain.

Grudgingly he admitted that he was jealous that Peter had a friend like Praeger, one that would fight for him to give him back his life, but Matt didn’t understand and never could. Once it was past you couldn’t go back. When the pieces shattered it was better to sweep them away than to tack them together always-left cracks and made the peace fragile.

Connor twisted on the bed and stared back at the ceiling, his body aching and tired, his mind confused and he closed his eyes again and saw Peter’s face. Alive with love, if he believed Matt’s words Peter had never given up on their love, and he knew the man. Knew without restrictions that while he could be twisted by guilt and pain, he would never deal Connor such a hand, he would be honest, if he had another lover, if he were happy Connor would be happy even if it meant he’d be alone. Connor drifted into an easy sleep and allowed fate to play her hand.


“I believe Matt we should just call you the miracle worker.” Joel smiled as he sat down in one of the steel backed chairs in the commissary.


“According to the psychs here in residence you did in fifteen minutes what they couldn’t do in days.”

“Getting Connor to talk was the easy part, getting him to listen was hard.” Matt smiled and pushed his empty mug away.

“He’s always had strong views.”

“He’s as sane as you and I, you know that.” Matt stretched his long legs.

“I know.” Joel frowned.

“But? They will let him go home.”

Joel fiddled with the mug and scowled. “It’s not in my hands anymore Matt.”

“Fuck. They can’t keep him here, now! That’s cruel Joel.”

“I know. The medical staff want to be convinced that he’s sane and not a security threat.”

“Bullshit. If he were a security threat he would never have been a Case Manager for the OSIR, nor would he have done covert ops in the Navy.”

“Ah I see you’ve done your homework well.” Joel smiled.

“Besides, bring Hendricks in to assess him. They’ll accept his recommendations without question.”

“He’s involved with the patient, has a personal interest.”

Matt smiled. “Precisely, don’t you see, Anton is worried about Peter, he won’t let Doyle free unless he knows that he’s capable of handling any situation that could arise. Besides I’ve factored the military mindset into my equations. Believe me I have something the President wants.”

Joel sat back and lit a cigarette. “And that would be?”

“Just ask him about the official position on treason.”

“Sonofabitch you can bring MacInroth down on your own and clear the President from the proceeding and still keep Area 51 a viable concern.”

Matt smiled. “As you said old friend. I do my homework well. The price of the solution Bob desperately wants is Doyle’s freedom and compensation.”

“Damn I’m glad you’re on our side. Come on, let’s go see the man then.”

“After you.” Matt stood up and waved a hand in the direction of the door.


“Matthew?” Bob Wood sat behind a large desk, even at this ungodly hour the President of the United States still managed to look a picture of sartorial elegance. Matt smiled; he’d come a hell of a long way over the years.

“Been a long time since we chewed the fat Bob.” Praeger smiled and sat down. “The White House suits you.”

“Wears me out more precisely. You’ve done a good job, saved us years of internal security checks.”

“Well since I’ve done so well, you won’t have a problem with my request.” Matt smiled and picked at his jacket.

“I can see where this is heading Matt.” Bob sat back in the high leather chair and looked at his old friend.

“Good then I don’t have to be diplomatic, you were always better suited to that.”

“Don’t suppose I can get you to come back to work for me?”

“For you or the White House?”

“For my administration. You’re not diplomatic are you?”


“Connor Doyle will need to be assessed before we consider the options.” Bob hedged.

“While I agree with your decision, I think you should take a few things into consideration.” Matt looked up his face clouding with an impending storm.

“Such as?” There was resignation in Bob’s voice as he relaxed.

“Doyle was a case manager for the OSIR, which means his security clearance and understanding of official secrets acts is without parallel. Given that and his years in covert ops for the navy, he is not likely to cause dissention now.”

“There are broader issues here Matt.”

“You mean financial considerations? While I don’t know Doyle that well he’s not adverse to money and his estate was rather large. I am sure suitable compensation can be awarded.”

“Of course. However there are still other issues we are not certain of.”

“Such as?”


“Now that’s one I can vouch for. Axon wants Elsinger’s head and probably Rollins, so given that he will have what he wants. The only other issue will be his retrieval of Doyle.”

“You trust him?”

“Who Peter? With my life, and I have done. Besides Bob, these people are the victims of a horrible crime in which the Government has played a key role. You’re not dealing with cretins. They will understand the situation and abide by the decisions to keep them safe. And it’s their safety I’m after.”

“Indeed, you have me intrigued.” Bob smiled paternally.

“Maybe, but you’ll have problems with MackInroth. Given his position he’s not likely to disappear quietly and I suspect Bob, that is the true problem.”

“Yes Doyle is rather inconsequential in this matter, but we do need to satisfy the demands of National Security.”

“Since the NID boys are in this up to their necks I doubt he will be considered inconsequential. However, I’m sure Presidential privilege is alive and well.”

“And why would I want to use it?”

“Because old friend, I’ll give you MackInroth on a plate without the brewha over his position.”


“Never lied to you Bob- not about to start now.”

“You want to let me know how?”

“No, its not that I don’t trust you, but,” he shrugged.

“Careful to the end. Alright, so you get Doyle sprung, Axon and he will be left alone and we’ll make financial restitution.”

“Good. I’d like to bring in a specialist to do the psych analysis on Doyle.”

“Who you have in mind?”

“Anton Hendricks.”

“No problem, I know Hendricks he’s reliable. Will he tell Axon?”

“No- after he’s done the psych work I’ll call Axon myself and let him know. Another twenty-four hours won’t make a lot of difference. Can I leave his travel arrangements to the boys or should I take care of it myself?”

“No tell them to route any objections through my office here. I’d like Doyle off base, given he passes psych within the next seventy-two hours. We still have security issues here, but we should have them under control by that stage.”

“Not like the old days when we could just send ‘em home is it?” Matt smiled.

“No. But this installation is worth billions Matt. It would go against the administration if I should have to close it.”

“Or the OSIR.”

“Finally figured it out? Can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Bob. You wouldn’t have been so insistent of me joining the team had it not been a government organization and one you were trying to protect.” Matt stood up.

“I understand you’re off to Quantico.”

“Good news travels fast, but yes, so you see the government gets to keep me, in a manner of speaking.” Matt headed towards the door before he turned back. “Oh yes a couple of other things.”

“Matt you’ve got blood, what more do you want?” Bob laughed.

“I’d like to have better rooms assigned to Doyle he’s been underground too long. One of the officer’s houses would be nice.”

“Take him in with you then, you’ve got the Colonel’s house. He’s too far away to try to run. You said a couple of things?”

“Oh yes, I’m going to want to see Elsinger.”

“Too what end?” The President took his glasses off and chewed the end of them thoughtfully.

“I want him to know who brought him down.”

“You want him to know exactly who you are and how high your influence goes?” Bob narrowed his eyes.

“Yes.” Matt smiled again.

“Then by all means, only I’ll come with you. We’ll show Frank just who he decided to try and play with.”

“Owe you one Bob.”


Anton scrubbed tiredly at his face and looked down at his watch, nearly one in the morning, Katherine would have a fit tomorrow. He stood up and hitched his tattered jacket over his shoulders and put the files back in the cabinet. The phone rang before he got to the door.


“Burning the midnight oil Anton?” Matt sounded far too pleased with himself at this hour and the old doctor groused slightly.

“How did you know I’d be here?"

“Katharine told me besides have a favour to ask.”

“Cant it wait till the morning?”

“Would I have rung if it could?”

“Probably not. So what do you need?”

“You have my resignation Anton on the desk under that pile that Frank left behind.”

“Yes I saw that. We loose you and Peter in the same week as Curtis is suspended and Frank gets stood down. What is going on Matt?”

“A little Presidential house keeping.”

“I thought it was you all along.” Anton flicked the lamp back on and settled into his seat. “So what is it you need from me?”

“We have a situation at Area 51 that requires the assistance of a top rate Psych.”

Anton smiled, “Stop buttering me up. I can send Sonja.”

“Not this time Anton, Presidential request, should be on your fax machine as we speak. We need psych evaluations done on several subjects to determine their current mental situation, before proceeding with further investigations.”

Anton looked up and saw the Whitehouse insignia on the top of the page as it came through the fax. He reached out a long hand to snag the document and smiled when he saw the President signed it personally.

“Okay I have travel assignments, I won’t arrive till tomorrow late. You want to tell me who I am evaluating?”

“Sorry Anton can’t do that yet. What’s the update on Peter?”

“Oh he’s home, doing okay, convinced Connor is alive and quite rational about it.”

“What?” Anton didn’t fail to miss the astonishment in Matt’s voice and raised a brow.

“After he was stabbed the surgeons lost him on the table a couple of times, no one told him since we’ve been concerned about his emotional state. The first time they had a rough ride to bring him back the second time was relatively textbook. However, he told his father the reason he came back was because Connor wasn’t there and he is convinced he is still alive.”

“Ah Anton,” Matt hedged softly.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“Jesus, Anton.” There was real anguish in his voice. “This is a classified operation and I need you here ASAP. I also need you to not discuss this with Peter.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Good.” Praeger calmed.


“Dad I can do it.” Peter glared as he pulled the box down from the top of the linen press.

“You’ve been out of hospital for less than a week Peter.” Ray braced his feet and glared back.

“I’m still taller than you are and fitter, even given this.” He waved at the bandage on his chest. He winced as the skin pulled at the wound but showed no outward signs to his father and handed him the box of bedding.

“I notice you’ve still got Connor’s things in the wardrobe.” The old man was blunt to the point of being rude, and despite his desire not to have this conversation, especially now, he appreciated the genuine concern that edged the voice.

“Yes Dad, and they will stay there till I know for sure.”

“Peter.” Rays voice was accountably soft as he stepped back.

“No Dad, Anton’s been barracking me for weeks to box his stuff up and I agreed when I got back from assignment I’d consider it, but after what happened I have no intentions. None- got that Dad? Connor is alive and I know you think I’m nuts but I’ve never felt better and I assure you my sanity is not in question.” Peter’s voice was soft and his commitment to his belief was stronger than ever.

“Later then.” Ray held his hands up in defeat and followed him into the den.

“Seems that Matt succeeded in bringing Elsinger down.” Peter couldn’t help the small gloat in his voice, as he looked over the paperwork the OSIR legal office had sent him this morning.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish, is he taking Rollins with him?”

Startled Peter smiled at the patriarchal and protective tone to his father’s voice. “So it seems, if nothing else Rollins will have to face a full inquiry. He went so far beyond protocol and the OSIR mandate I wouldn’t be surprised if criminal actions were leveled.”

“Because he put you in danger?” Ray sat down and watched his son move slowly around the beautiful room.

“Partly. He put a lot of people in danger, which in turn will call his entire service record into the hearing. There’s a lot in there that Elsinger covered up for him. I think between the two of them they won’t get a job as a janitor let alone anything in power.”

“So I take it you’ve spoken to Matt about the new regime?”

“No actually, I haven’t spoken to Matt for a while.” Peter narrowed his eyes. “But you have haven’t you Dad?”

Ray folded his hands across his abdomen and met Peter stare for stare. “Yes I have, he rang me before you went to Ontario.”

“Because?” The lethal quietness was back in his voice.

“He was worried and thought I should know.”

“Ah, well see now that makes a lot of sense, since you were openly hostile to me the last time we spoke. As you can see.” Peter’s tone was ice cold and the old man felt himself shiver involuntarily. “I’m fine and babysitting duties are over.”

“You will not dismiss me.” Ray stood and glowered, his formidable presence invading the calm room.

“I will and I have.” Peter stood with his hands thrust deep into his pockets.

“No you will not. Despite everything that has happened between us Peter, you are first and foremost my son. Do not forget that.”

“Seems you did very easily, especially when I needed you.” Peter spat back the anger and hurt undeniable.

“Yes and for that I am truly sorry.” Ray sat down again, diffusing the situation.

“Don’t be I can live with your revulsion of my lifestyle and my choice of partners, I can live knowing full well I disgust you, but I refuse to live with your pity.”

“Yes but can you live with my love?”

Peter paced his face storm dark, he wanted nothing more than to believe too much time and hurt had passed, but he couldn’t. Not yet.

“I don’t know Dad, I guess I’ve never really had it.”

“Touch?. You were always closer to your mother than me, but that’s my fault son, not yours, and you’re right. I don’t understand what you see in another man, but what I knew of Connor I liked and the effect he had on you was undeniable.”

Peter slouched against the desk his face turned from his father as he stared out at Connor’s garden.

“I love him Dad, and I’ll do anything to bring him home.”

“I know and I pray that that will be possible for you but you have to face the reality that it may not be.”

Peter laughed mirthlessly. “I’ve faced that reality for nearly two years Dad. All I know is that he’s not where he should be if he were dead. I believe I would have felt him, on some level and he wasn’t there but I can feel him here.” He touched his chest and turned to face his father, his face calm and almost serene.

“I can’t argue that son. What’s the situation with the OSIR?”

“Meaning?” Peter sat down.

“Well I expect part of the reason you were prepared to resign was because of Elsinger and Rollins. Now that they are no longer an issue would you stay?”

“I admit their offer is flattering but I doubt it Dad. I need a fresh start. Besides Anton has a reasonable compromise that may just work.”

“Oh yes?” Ray smiled.

“He wants me to consider being a Special Consultant to the OSIR, which means I’d get to do some investigations and still take the chair at Harvard.”

“Good money?”

“Don’t need money Dad- I have more than I can spend. It’s about the work, I’d go nuts doing nothing.”

“I never realised how passionate you were about the work you do. It’s more than a job for you isn’t it?”

Peter nodded.

“And that was part of the appeal of Connor?”

“Oh no, that he was a scientist was a bonus, his appeal was purely sexual.”

“You’re a lot more open now than I’ve even seen you.”

“Probably because Dad, you never really saw me.”


“So Psychology was your primary bag?” Matt asked as he sat down on the chair in Connor’s room.

“And Geophysics.”

“That’s an eclectic mix.” Praeger laughed. “So how many PhD’s do you have?”


“And you’re how old?” Praeger tormented gently.

“Thirty nine.”

“Scary. Hey I do have a surprise for you.”

“Oh yes?” Connor pulled his robe about his body and paced restlessly.

Matt dipped his hand into a bag Connor didn’t see him bring in and put a pile of real clothes onto the bed. “I know they are probably not really what you’d normally wear but I would think even jeans are better than being in army surplus or hospital gowns. Get dressed.”

“Is that an order?” Connor smiled as he ran his hands over the woollen sweater and linen shirt.

“Only if you want to get out of here.”

“As in now?”

“Right now.”

“Give me ten.” Connor smiled as he took the clothes to the bathroom and quickly changed.

“And counting.” Matt yelled through the closed door. “Anton will be here later today.”

“Good. Does he know who he’s evaluating?”

“Ah, no. Hurry up I’ll wait outside.”

Praeger caught his breath. Even in the slightly large sweater and commandeered clothes, Connor was a long way from the tired and strained man he’d seen last night in a hospital bed. His broad shoulders and strong features were softened with intelligent eyes and a truly sensual mouth. He was smaller than Praeger would have thought but strong, remarkably so as he strode out into the corridor.

“Where to now?”

Praeger pointed to the ceiling.

“Up or out?” Connor asked hopefully.

“Both. Here you’ll need these.” Matt handed him a pair of sunglasses and watched the complex play of emotions on the normally restrained man.

The ride up was the shortest and longest in Connor’s life; he expected to feel a sense of elation, and was grateful of the silence in the man next to him. It wasn’t until they cleared the compound and began to walk through the small park area that Praeger spoke again. The sun warm and comfortable on both their shoulders.

“Thank you.” Connor said softly as he stared at the trees and closed his eyes behind the dark glasses.

“Hey, my pleasure. So you would know that since you’re a psych major it’s important for Anton to see you as a person not as a victim in a hospital bed.”

“Shrewd Matt. However, I still don’t see why you’ve gone to this extent.”

“You’re a liability to the President, fortunately I have something Bob wants, otherwise you’d be pretty much toast by now.”

“You always shoot straight from the hip Matt?”

“Always. Besides, I got what I wanted.”

“Did you?” Connor cocked his head to one side and slowed down.

“As much as I can.” Matt admitted with a grin as he fished in his pocket and withdrew a small envelope. “You will be required to answer a closed investigation into the matter, but that will be purely window dressing for several of those involved in the experiment. Elsinger will be made to go away and Rollins has been suspended and won’t be re-instated. We’re not certain as to the level of involvement he has had with Elsinger’s plans. Once we’re sure we can take punitive action from there, however, NID is very thorough and will treat him with extreme prejudice.”

“As they will treat me and anyone in connection to me.” Connor sat down on the slightly damp ground and picked at a blade of grass. Matt squatted and looked the man in the eye and shrugged.

“I doubt it- there is some high level involvement here Connor. Most of what you can tell them will be about Elsinger; the rest is my job. Besides Bob’s made it clear he wants MackInroth, and I can deliver him out of this nest with no repercussions in the media or political circles.”

“Just what are you?” Connor leaned back on his hands and squinted, the sun burned his eyes and they watered, despite the sting it was a good feeling and one he didn’t want to trade.

“Actually I’m a Mechanical Engineer and I worked with Interpol for a long while and went to Jo’burg after a flight went down. I met Bob in the diplomatic corps and he needed a couple of favours.” Matt shrugged again. “So I guess in answer to your question a criminologist with connections.”

Connor nodded, knowing there was more but he wasn’t in the position to push the issue now. Instead he let his eyes drift to the envelope in Praegers hand.

“Oh these are for you.” Matt handed it across. “You didn’t believe me when I told you Peter was alive. These were taken a couple of weeks ago at Lindsey’s party.”

Connor folded his legs underneath him and opened the small package. Several photographs tumbled out and his fingers stilled on Peter’s face. The handsome features stared back and Connor saw the lines of pain etched around the mouth and eyes. Oh God the eyes… it was said that they were the windows of the soul and Connor caught his breath as he saw the pain too clear in the vivid storm grey eyes. He’d lost weight too, not a lot and the photos underneath showed that he’d bulked up considerably in the time apart as well. But mostly they showed how far he stood apart from the others, even with Coop and Anton, Peter’s body language was reserved and isolated, the only one who stood close to him was Matt. The man in front of him now who was, if he was to believe the story, taking him home and giving him back his life, was the only person in the entire group of photographs on his lap who looped an arm around Peter’s shoulders and smiled amiably for the camera.

“It seems I have a lot to thank you for.” Connor spoke softly as he pushed himself up from the damp ground, his body protesting at the movement.

“Nah. I’ve taken the liberty of having your things, such as they were, moved to the house they’ve given me.”

“House?” Connor rubbed at his knee.

“One of the guest houses. It’s small but at least it’s not cramped and it doesn’t smell like army issue.”

“I don’t have to go back then?” there was fear in the voice, a small hitching that most wouldn’t notice but to Matthew it felt like a knife in his spine and resolved him just that little bit more that Connor should go home to Peter and all doubts fled.

“Only for assessments and even then I would think that Anton can do those at the house. I’ve withheld you calling Peter not because I want to make this difficult for you, but the situation here is tenuous and you’ll forgive me if I don’t endanger him more than necessary.”

“I would imagine that a lot of those involved have gone to ground.”

“Yes, but not so deep we can’t find them. Bob has told the NID boys that he wants those involved to be accountable. Not those in the chain of command but those who gave the orders, in return for which several of their pet projects will be fast tracked through the senate.”

“Meaning you’re still convinced you have a couple of loose canons on base.”

“Yes and since the house is out of bounds, it will make it easier to determine who and what they are. We have a clearer line of sight and a broader field of vision in the open. You’ll have a twenty four hour guard issued from the troops that liberated the base and unfortunately you won’t be alone, you’ll either have myself or Anton with you till we get you home.”

Connor stopped and rubbed his knee again. “Just how close are you to Peter?”

Matt stopped instantly and walked back. “Peter is only interested in you.”

“So you keep saying. Unfortunately, paranoia in all degrees at this point in time is the only defense I have.”

Matt smiled. “Yes I know. I spoke to Anton last night, he said that Peter was convinced you were still alive.”


“Seems he had an epiphany when they lost him on the table, that he couldn’t feel you, on the other side.” Matt waggled his eyebrows and made a face.

Connor dissolved into laughter. “I see you believe in the paranormal.”

“Little green men, apportation experiments, and possession, oh yeah should write for the Enquirer.”

“Ah huh.”

“You alright?” Matt slowed as he noticed the slight limp in his companion.

“Yeah, I busted my knee up a few years ago, skiing. Since I was out of it for so long arthritis has set in and it aches.”

Matt nodded in agreement. “Peter pulled me out of a bear trap a while ago, the leg still bugs me. So have you thought about what you want to do?”

“In relation to?”

“When this is all over.”

“Ah, no. I suspect that I’d be able to go back to MIT or even stay on at the OSIR, since Anton has the chair but the knee might go against that.”

“Possibly, I would think Anton would try and cut you the same deal he made Peter.”

“Which is?”

“Special consultant. Peter keeps the chair at Harvard and still gets to do the occasional case. There is a school of thought that outsourcing the work is better than trying to control it within the office.”

“Security withstanding of course. So are you staying on at the Office?”

“Me? Hell no. I’m off to the FBI as soon as this little nest is cleaned out and I can finalize my stuff. Makes Anton’s life hell though.”

“How so?”

“He loses Elsinger, Rollins, Peter and me in the same week and Elsinger took in very few new recruits over the last year so OSIR doesn’t have the pool to operate from.”

“It just means he’ll have to reactivate some of the people who took early retirement or went back into the academic community like Peter. Its all in the regs.”

“You remembered that?”

“Yes. I also remember that you’re the Matt Praeger who wrote half the rules.”

“Ahah. Well my reputation precedes me. I don’t suppose you can cook can you?”

Connor smiled. “Yes why?”

“Good cause I can’t and since we got to eat I was kinda hoping it wasn’t going to have to be MRE’s.”

“You had an ulterior motive all along.”

“But of course. I was a boy scout.”

“Now that I don’t believe.”

“I’m wounded.”

“No but you could be.” Connor stopped in front of the small timber cottage. A bright and well-maintained garden bordered the property and Matt opened the door to reveal a cheerful room.

“Three bedrooms, yours is upstairs across from the bathroom. I got the big one. Kitchen is fully stocked and we’ve got cable. A truck went into town this morning and I’ve requisitioned some clothes for you.”

“Thanks Matt. Believe me I want nothing more than to not smell like army issue.”

“Amen to that. You want coffee?’

“Only if it’s real.” Small things Connor missed, the soft cushion of the couch beneath him, the play of sunlight through the lace curtains as dust motes drifted carelessly in the air, the smell of heat and dust underscored with fresh flowers and perking coffee. And by degrees he began to feel like a human again. The months of emotional isolation and distress melting away as he ran his hand over the arm of the chair and flicked on the remote as the sunglasses hit the table and the TV flared to life.

Matt came back into the room and put a mug down on the table, cradling the second one in his palms as he flopped down into a well-worn and comfortable chair.

“Apart from the obvious how did you and Peter get together?” Matt grinned over the coffee and crossed his feet on the table.

“What not quite what you expected?” Connor smiled as he savoured the hot bitter liquid.

“No offense, but no. Peter is very confrontational.”

“I prefer passionate.” Connor’s voice dropped into a light-teasing mode.

“You would.” Matt laughed. “But he’s still a difficult man to get to know. On any level.” He added for emphasis.

“Well it wasn’t terribly romantic.” Connor smiled at the memory and his face softened.

“I can imagine.”

“Can you?”

“Probably not.”

“You always this curious?”

“I’ve spent nearly two years arguing with a man that I barely know and now I’m sitting in a room sipping coffee with his lover and still I don’t know him.”

“I got drunk.” Connor propped his feet on the small table and turned the volume down on the TV.


“We’d been on a case, Rollins was riding rough shod again and we lost a couple of the new recruits. I’d spent nearly four hours at HQ and already done the speech to their families.”

Matt shuddered sympathetically. “Done a few of them in my time, not pleasant. So you and Peter went out and tied one on?”

“No- I used to play bass with a band a friend started when I was in college. He was in town and took me out and got me drunk. And no I wasn’t sleeping with him. I was angry, and it wasn’t a good thing to do. Back then Peter would walk into a room and it was all I could do to be civil to him.”

“Wanted him that much hey?”

“Oh yeah, it hurt. So instead of asking, I was a bastard and treated him like shit.”

“I take it you don’t do casual?”

Connor shook his head, “Couldn’t afford to. Navy is still homophobic and I had too much to lose, so I studied instead and by the time I realized what I wanted I was in a position that made it difficult if not fatal to explore my options.”

“I can understand that.”

“Can you Matt? Let me ask, you’re what? Fortyish?”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Matt replied dulcetly.

“And heterosexual all your life?”

“Your point?”

“Is this, while you were screwing your way through school and university I was studying and doing a tour of duty in the Navy. My opportunities were a lot less than yours and probably never as satisfying.”

“How so?” Matt was fascinated and watched intently, his heart warming to the man in the room with him.

“Correct me if I’m wrong but while the back of a car was a rarity most of your conquest happened on a couch.”

“Hey I got class, used to rent a room at the local motel.” Matt smiled.

“Try a brick wall, or a dark alley. While it’s true, I was far from a virgin when I met Peter, I’d never been made love to.”


“I didn’t realize it bothered me quite that much either until I started thinking of what ifs.”

“And when you did?”

Connor shrugged elegantly his fingers slid around the mug. “Knew what I wanted and generally I do get what I want.”

“Now that I can believe.” Matt teased. “But what does getting drunk have to do with how you got under his guard?”

“You sure you want to hear this?” Connor frowned.

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t. Go on.” Matt made shooing movements with his hand and leaned back.

“Alright. Peter and I were barely civil to each other. I rarely drink, well not to the extent I did that night. I was rotten.” Connor winced. “Mark, my band friend and I got into a fight in a bar, to this day I have no idea why but the two of us thought we could take on Boston and win.”

“I take it you didn’t.”

“I’m not really sure. But we all got arrested and I ended up in the local drunk tank.”

“Frank would have loved that.”

“I was lucky.”

Connor drifted back to the moment and recalled the events, his voice soft and lilting in the late afternoon.

“Hey Harry, what’ve you got?”

“Local brawl at the Boat House. Got a few who’ll need to sleep it off.” The young officer called back as he shepherded his motley group into the cells.

“Much damage?” Vaughn Johnson enquired as he looked at the bloody faces and torn clothing.

“To the bar? A bit, judge can work it out. I’ve got to process the paperwork.” Harry turned and dropped a bag of ID, a black leather wallet springing open to show an OSIR ID card.

“Hang about, which one owns this?” Vaughn bent down and picked up the ID and peered intently.

“Ugh?” Harry looked at the photo and pointed to the back of the cell. A man in his early thirty’s lay where he fell across a bunk and looked decidedly the worse for wear. “That one.”

“Do me a favour Harry, don’t process that one just yet.”

Harry McCarthy turned and frowned. “Suits me, can save on the paperwork. Wanna tell me why?”

“Remember my kid got into trouble a while ago?” Vaughn asked as he pocketed the wallet.

“Yeah Sam had some school problems.”

“It was a bit more than that, we got her straightened out thanks to some help from the OSIR. The guy on the case helped me out.”

“That him?” Harry peered back into the cell where one of his prize catches began throwing up.

“Nah, but I’ve still got the number of the guy. Let me give him a call, the boss is a bit of a terror.”

“Speaking of which, if the Captain asks I’ll drop you fair into it old friend.” Harry headed back to his desk to process the intake.

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