A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“You seem surprised Matthew. Lindsey, despite my soft spot for her, has put him through hell for the last what is it now? Eighteen months?”

“Soft spot?” Matt laughed. “Only because she’s pretty.”

“You noticed.”

“Hey I’m not dead yet. Besides this is rather complex.”

“Then I suggest you start from the beginning.”

“What I really need to know is this, did Elsinger arrange a retrieval team to be dispatched to the Russian complex, and if so when? What agency provided that team and who was the signatory on the event? Oh yeah and while you’re at it, how long has Elsinger been on the GemCorp payroll and who is funding their gene work? Is it government? If it is, who is the leading dissenting voice currently in the senate?”

“Careful Matthew, I may corrupt you into my line of thinking.”

“Mike, we both know that delusional isn’t in my psych profile, however, there is a probability that Elsinger has been conspiring for sometime without control or sanction from the senate committee. If this is the case, I’m going to bring him down.”

“I’ve tried for years Matthew to fight the establishment. You won’t win.”

“I don’t care about the establishment Mike, this is personal, and I want Elsinger to be a liability to them. I’m sure the NID boys can be creative in his disappearance.”

“I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime you can buy me another coffee.”

Matt smiled. ”Heavy on the Irish?”

“But of course. How’s Axon bearing up?”

“Not good. Anton feels he could be close to a breakdown.”

“Shame, he’s a bright man. Not to mention attractive.”

“Batting for the other team now Mike?”

“No, but I was wondering if you were. You’re going to a lot of trouble to protect him.” Kelly drawled around the hot coffee.

“Hell no, besides I think my kid would have a heart attack.”

“She still got a crush on him?”

“Bigger than ever, it’s Hi Dad, I did good at school, Mom’s driving me nuts, how’s Peter?” Matt laughed.

“So why are you doing this?”

“You remember Africa don’t you?” Matt asked wryly his smile never leaving his face but his eyes hardened. “Of course you do, what you don’t know is that at the inquest I was fried, it was Elsigner who pulled my arse out of the fire.”

“And no good deed goes unpunished.” Kelly laughed.

“Precisely, I’m tired of his agenda. There are good people at the OSIR, top-notch academicians who don’t deserve to be punished by back-room politics. When I leave I want to do so knowing that there is some regulatory body in charge to watch over them. Give them at least a sense of protection.”

“Ah converted at last.”

“Don’t crow too loudly.”

“We take our victories, no matter how small, where we find them. So where are you going?”


“Back with the FBI? Teaching, training or doing?”

“All three, it’s a good gig.”


“Soon as I can, the Director has been after me for years to come to work for him, imagine his surprise when I said I might be interested.”

“See now I always knew you were a marketable commodity. This information you’re after could take a few days to find out, in the meantime, have you had any luck liberating the sealed files?”

“Hacking into the OSIR mainframe database again? Or Lindsey?”

“Lindsey is too scared to talk to me.”

“And in answer to your question, no I haven’t read them.”

Kelly laughed. “I’ll have a set of them sent over in the next few hours.”

“Complete with annotations, you know how I like to paraphrase.” Matt answered amused at the resources of his one time friend.

Without preamble Kelly stood up, pulled the white Panama hat down over his eyes and wandered off.


“Axon.” Peter picked up the receiver as he threw the papers down disgustedly onto his desk.

“Hello Son.”

“Dad?” Peter asked incredulously as he sat down.

“Since I’m convinced you don’t know how to use the phone I thought I’d call.”

“What’s up?”

“Does anything have to be up for a father to call his son?”

Peter rubbed his forehead; the headache that had been threatening grew incrementally. “No, just I’m not usually your favourite person to call.”

“Put it down to age, so how are you?”

“Funny you should ask Dad.”

“Talk to me Peter.”

“I’m not on a secure line Dad, can I call you from home tonight?”

“Sure, when you’ve got time. I was just worried.”


“I really don’t know son, I just had a feeling things weren’t good. Last time we spoke was just after Connors death and you were hurting.”

“It’s gonna take time Dad, I won’t lie to you it hurts like hell.” Peter choked on the words. “I will call tonight or over the weekend Dad, promise, I have to go.”


As he hung up the receiver Peter dropped his head to the desk, the confusion overwhelming him as he fought to reign in his hurt and anger. A sob escaped his lips as he thumped the tabletop, unaware of Matt watching from the door.

“You’ll break the table Pete, I’m sure Elsinger would love that.” Matt closed the door and smiled.

“I’m sure I don’t care.” Peter kept his head on the desk willing his features into impassivity and controlling his stressed breathing.

“Hey tell you what, day before we leave, we’ll trash both our offices and Elsinger can go screw himself.” Matt tried for humour and found that it hit the mark Peter began to relax and the shaking was from a barely suppressed giggle. “Hey now, department heads and Professors of Physics do not giggle.” He admonished as Peter collapsed into a fit of laughter and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“You leaving the sinking ship as well?”

“Sure without you to kick my arse there is the distinct probability of me having delusions of grandeur.”

“And you don’t now?” Peter shot back.

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