A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“Why?” Matt smiled as she put down a glass of milk and some shortbread in front of him. “Hey these are great.”

“Because the Professor knew what he’s like. When he gets worried or stressed he spends all his free time in the gym, or walking, or running.”

“Explains why he looks so good.”

“Aye he does that. But he shouldn’t, he doesn’t know that I listen to him wandering the house of a night, unable to sleep after the terrible dreams he has. He barely eats breakfast and sometimes doesn’t even come home.”

“He’s pulled a few all nighters at the office recently and he’s due away on Monday to Canada.”

“If I know he’s got friends like you Mr. Praeger than perhaps I can sleep easier.”

“I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“You’ve never been here before, The Professor and Peter did not socialize so I didn’t meet many of their friends. I’m glad to know he has someone to talk to.”

“I hope he sees it that way. Tell me Mrs. Mac has Peter allowed himself to move on?” Matt wiped his mouth with the back of hand and smiled.

“I don’t know how you mean.” Mrs. Mac turned her back on the seated man.

“Yes you do.” Matt’s voice was a rich conspiratorial throb and she turned to look at him.

“When the Professor died he took it very hard, he must have sobbed himself to sleep for a month and then he gave up on sleeping at all and started wandering. He flew off the handle at me when I tried to move The Professors things around, get them ready to be stored or disposed of. I wasn’t even allowed to change the sheets for nearly a week.” Her pretty eyes were bright with tears as Matt steered her to the table and sat her down with a cup of tea. “Aye I’m not sure why I’m telling you all this, for all I know you could be like that terrible man who was here on Friday night.”

“Elsinger.” Matt breathed the name like a curse and then smiled brightly. “I can assure you Frank and I have very little in common and I will do my best to look after Peter for you Mrs. Mac.”

“I believe you will, now it’s your turn to tell me, you didn’t know about The Professor and Peter did you?”

“No one did, not until recently.”

“That makes sense, they were very discreet. In all my days I had never thought to come to work for someone like the Professor, he was so quiet and charming it took me a while to realize he wasn’t interested in the ladies.”

“And when you did?”

“Ah,” she answered with a fond smile, “He was like my own child. Do you have children Mr. Praeger?”

“It’s Matt and yes a daughter, she’s got a horrible crush on Peter.”

“Then you know what I mean. We’d do anything to keep our lambs safe and happy. I remember when The Professor brought him home for me to meet, och he was so happy his eyes fairly shone and Peter was just wonderful. Protective and kind it was obvious that they loved each other a great deal, even from the beginning. It never waned, only grew and they would fret when they were apart hanging on each other’s calls.” This time the tears did fall and Matt was aware of the footsteps moving upstairs. He gentled the lady and held her hand fast.

“Mrs. Mac, I never met Connor, I wish I had and I don’t know if I can help Peter with his grief, but I will do what I can to see justice. It is cold comfort, but there are those who would blame him for Connor’s death and that has been the major source of his pain, maybe now we know he’ll get on. He has too much to offer to live in the shadow of despair.”

“I believe I was right in trusting you, keep him safe Matthew.”

Peter padded down the stairs a fine wool jumper over jeans that were so tight as to be almost indecent.

“You ready?” Matt asked as he put his glass on the sink.

“It’s nice to know your friend is house trained.” Mrs. Mac laughed.

“I should be, I’ve got three ex-wives and a daughter.” Matt mumbled.

“Do you want a tour of the house before we go?” Peter quirked an eyebrow up as he considered the two in the kitchen, consciously aware of the bond that had already formed.

“Yeah, why not.”


Matt stretched in his seat and patted his stomach whilst he chewed on a toothpick. “I’m stuffed.”

Peter’s plate was still half full and Matt couldn’t help but feel the stab that went through him. He would have liked to know Peter and Conner when they were together, he could almost imagine how very different they would have been in each other’s company. The confidence without the sadness that plagued his friend would have been gone.

“You said you needed my help with something Matt.” Peter pushed the plate away.

“You know if your going to con me into buying you dinner the least you could do is eat it.” Matt groused as keen eyes watched the man opposite him. He couldn’t fail to notice the hungry stares that followed Peter from both the woman and several men as he walked into the bar, the small booth table afforded them little privacy but the steaks had been excellent.

“I’m sorry.” Peter dropped his gaze, his voice softly contrite as he answered. “I’m just not very hungry.”

“Yes I had noticed.”

“I would think that Mrs. Mac worries enough about me that you don’t need to Matt.”

“I was beginning to think that you didn’t even notice.”

“Notice what? Mrs. Mac is an angel and I’d never have survived this far without her.”

“I have a problem I think you can help me with.”

“Oh yes?” Peter drawled and leant forward.

“Okay, I’m meddling, and probably will end up with your boot up my arse but here goes.”

Peter frowned but didn’t interrupt.

“I’ve managed to liberate the sealed files regarding Perestroika, and there are some blazing inconsistencies.”

“Such as?”

“Would you mind if I walked through it and built my case?” Matt shoved the plate to one side and moved in closer to the table.


“Answer me this first, you and Anton headed up the retrieval team to the gas plant and found no organic traces evident in the wreckage am I correct?”


“And as a scientist you accepted the theory that the remains would have been vaporised without trace.”

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