A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“I didn’t want to leave this lying around either.” Kelly handed across a cd with the incongruous label of A Bug’s Life.

“At least you’re not using the Shamrock anymore.” Matt laughed.

“You used to think it was funny, maybe this will appeal to you more.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“Call it a debt paid, a favour owed. Besides, the corruption of your ideals to understand my cause no matter how briefly is more than enough compensation.” Kelly walked away.


“I thought you no longer spoke to Kelly?” Peter tightened the heavy robe about his body as he paced in the den.

“I hadn’t for a long time. But Mike is the only person who can get under the radar.”

“Precisely what’s that going to cost you?” Peter nodded towards the CD in his hand.

“Actually a lot less than you think. Would you quit worrying Peter?” Matt rubbed his hand across his friend’s hunched shoulders and smiled.

“I’ll try.” Peter shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away. “Thank you.”

“For?” Matt opened the CD case and smiled when he saw the giant ant on the disc Kelly’s irreverent sense of humour never ceased to amaze him.

“Helping me sleep.” Peter would not look at him, could not meet his gaze and looked uncomfortable. “You know that first assignment we worked on I was running late because Elsinger orchestrated it. At the time I didn’t know that my position of case manager was only temporary. He also told me to review the information available on the case and to come and see him. When I did he told me to report to my new case manager on site.”

“No wonder you were pissed with me, Elsinger is some piece of work. You should have told me.” Praeger frowned, finally seeing the extent that Elsinger was prepared to go to in order to manipulate those around him.

“Seemed little point at the time, you were hostile enough. Besides I was sick of making excuses.”

“You know a lot about those first few weeks actually make a lot of sense now I know what you were going through.”

“Yeah well.” He shrugged as he orbited the desk and ran his hand over the legal pouch still on his table.

“What’s that?”

“Conner’s will.”

“Video testament?” Praeger felt the palpable presence of the despair.


“How long have you had it?”

“Since last Friday.”

“I’d have thought you’d have watched it by now.”

“No, I’m still working up the courage on that.” Peter looked up with a small half- hearted smile on his lips.

“He’s gone Peter, holding on to something that can’t give you comfort only leaves a hole where your heart should be.”

“So I should watch it and give up is that it?” A sharp stab in the tone.

“No, but you have to start to let go. I didn’t know Conner, Peter, but I know he wouldn’t want you to suffer because of him, and you are.”

“No he wouldn’t, but I can’t Matt, it’s too soon.”

“I know, but you have to start somewhere.”


“Short course on Biophysics, take notes this will be on the pop quiz,” Kelly’s voice contained a laconic edge that showed through the CD presentation. “We all know, that key components often include pharmacology, physiology, botany, zoology, human movement, biochemistry. Biophysics is an exciting new field of basic research into the nature and structure of biological molecules, their interactions and the physical principles involved in the machinery of life. The development of high-precision imaging and crystallographic structure determination and the recent advances in high-level computers have made biophysics a rapidly growing and fertile area of both pure and applied research. Connor Andrew Doyle born; 7th December 1960 presumed dead February 17th, 1997. Graduated with a degree in psychology and geophysics.” Kelly’s CD skipped ahead to dancing atoms underscored with an upbeat sound track. “I pre-empt this presentation Matthew so that you are fully aware of the late Professor Doyle’s skill level in dealing with the phenomena encountered in Russia. Background research shows a distinguished career in the Navy along with a calm personality that pre-disposes him to be equitable and rational in the face of all adversity. I’m paraphrasing but that’s entirely for your benefit.” Kelly smiled and sipped his wine. “You’ll find several files attached to this CD which you can download at your leisure. I’ve made footnotes on then with conclusions I am sure you are able to draw for yourself.”

The file ended with a shamrock that folded in on itself and Matt rolled his shoulders. It was going to be a long night.


“You wanted to see me?” Peter folded his arms across his chest and slouched insolently in Elsinger’s office.

“Ah yes Dr. Axon please take a seat.” Peter frowned as he sat down. “I am aware of the discord between us, however, I meant what I said about the beginnings of a truce.”

“Yes sir.” Peter uncrossed his arms, Praeger’s words and quiet confidence ringing in his ears as he looked across the desk. Elsinger brightened considerably and sat back steepling his fingers and considering the young man.

“I understand that you are yet to sign the contract with Harvard.”

“At the moment I have contract restrictions here which will invalidate me giving them a date of tenure. So it’s prudent not to sign until my duties have been finalised.”

“Have you even looked at the offer we have made?”

“No,” Peter sighed heavily, “and I should. Can you have legal send it to me?”

“No need.” Elsinger handed across a thick letter. “The outlines are in here, if you require additional clauses, within reason I see no need not to comply. You will find included in the offer the position of Case Manager.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. As long as I retain the rank of Senior Science Analyst, with all due accord and an extension of budget in certain research areas we have the makings of a deal.”

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