A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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Elsinger failed to hide his surprise. “Not that I’m not delighted, why the sudden change of heart?”

“I’m a theoretical scientist Frank, teaching is good but limits the levels of my own research. I would expect that the OSIR would support me in the desire to continue elements of research and allow me to publish?”

“Publishing would be dependent on the nature of the topic.”

“I understand it would be non specific but would also be of immense benefit for recruitment purposes. Journals and advances in key areas will increase the plausibility of what we do. There is a tendency within the academic community to debunk our work by the very nature of the cases we investigate.”

“So you’re suggesting we allow some material to become available to the academic community to give us a greater degree of acceptance?”

“Don’t get me wrong we are not unacceptable just considered a little on the funky side of pure science.”

“Funky?” Elsinger smiled.

“Yeah well. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?”

“No actually that’s all. I am pleased that we will be retaining your services.”

“I haven’t said yes yet, but I’ll have my people go over the offer and consider it.”

“It’s a start Peter, and I do mean it when I say any additional clause within reason will be accepted. We are keen to keep you with us.”

“Thank you.”

Frank waited for the door to close before he dialled out to the DC number.

“You will be relieved to know, that our young friend has decided to consider our offer as valid. You can stand down your people.” Elsinger swivelled his chair and smiled as he looked out over the cityscape. He was inordinately pleased with himself and his associates would be grateful, very profitably grateful.


Nearly twenty miles away Michael Kelly smiled, the call was another nail in the coffin of Frank Elsinger and he would make certain that he was there for the coup de grace


“Lindsey?” Peter entered the softly lit room without knocking and looked around.

“Thought I’d be the last person you’d want to see.” Lindsey answered desolately from behind her computer monitor.

“Yeah well call me demented.” Peter smiled and dropped a single red rose onto the keyboard.

“Peter?” Tears brimmed in her eyes as she looked up into gentle features.

“I’ll buy dinner so long as you promise not to cry.” He traced the column of her neck with his fingers and stepped back.

“Arsenic or rat poison?”

“I refuse to destroy good food, besides I think we’ve hurt each other enough Linds.”

“So we are okay here?” she sniffed the rose and pointed between the two of them.

“Not yet, but we will be.”

“When you leave right?” Her tone was bitter with recriminations but Peter sensed it was directed towards her and not at him this time.

“Actually Elsinger’s made an offer.”

“You’re staying?” Her face lit up.

“I’m considering it. Pick you up at six?”

“Seven, I’ve got a late case briefing.”

“Sure. Just don’t pinch my fries.”

“They serve fries at French restaurant’s?” she smiled mischievously.

“Yeah Burger King does great fries and shakes and well I’ve got this two for one voucher.” He closed the door in time to hear the dull thud of a book hit it.


“Hey Anton.” Peter flopped into the chair opposite the old doctor and tried to force a smile on his face. That he needed to be re-evaluated at all irked him, but the fact that Elsinger considered him some type of a security risk was absurd.

“Peter.” Anton looked up, the heavy vest he habitually wore was undone and his tie had been loosened.

“Long day?”

“No more than usual. You don’t want to be here do you?” Anton took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he considered the young man.

“No disrespect but this is a crock and you know it. Elsinger can’t lose gracefully and is pulling every dirty trick to keep me here. God alone knows why.”

“You doubt your abilities?”

“Don’t analyze me Anton, I do not doubt my abilities, nor am I suicidal, about to go to the press, leak information or try anything rash. All I want is a little peace and quiet and be away from here.”

“I got a memo from Frank today that indicates you would be staying on.”

“He’s fast, I’m not decided.”

“But you’re considering the offer.”

“I’d be crazy not to.”

“Peter I still have to file a report, I’m sorry this is difficult for you but I need to do my job.”

“I know Anton. I don’t suppose you can just fill in the forms and stamp them?” Anton frowned. “No.” Peter conceded. “I wouldn’t ask you to anyway.”

“Thank you.”

“So shall I lay on your couch? Maybe talk about my mother? Or how about Dad?” Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

“I understand your hostility Peter.”

“Oh good, write it down Anton and make a note in the margins that I think this sucks.”

“Would it be easier if we did this with hypnosis?”

Peter narrowed his eyes and sat rigidly. “Not a chance.”

“Duly noted. So how is the general health?”


“You look well, you’re still going to the gym?”

“I don’t have a lot else to do, besides it makes me tired so I sleep.”

“You are having trouble sleeping otherwise?”

Peter fiddled with one of those anti-stress toys the drug companies dispense to appease doctors on a regular basis and looked up sharply. “Anton, ask the questions you want to ask and let’s not play this particular game.”

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