A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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Shrewd eyes bored into the older man and Anton recognised a reserve of strength that Peter never exhibited to the cold public face. He knew the bravery of the quiet man, he’d faced guns and creatures in the name of science and he was always willing to go out and do it over and over again. There was no hesitation and Anton surmised that he was in fact seeing the true face of his friend, perhaps for the very first time.

“Medical says you’ve lost weight, not enough to be considered dangerous but you will have to improve your nutrition. If you lose any more I’ll suspend you from the field and force you to keep a food dairy.” Anton adopted his professional mantle and Peter relaxed.

“I’m fitter now than I’ve ever been, even when I trained, so you will have no cause to pull me. I’d fight it, you know I would.” Peter’s voice again was the soft gravel of anger smoothed over by force of will.

“Nevertheless, you only have a five per cent margin, if you fall below it, I will take the steps necessary. Your reflex time is down as well, not to be a concern but like your weight, a further decline is not acceptable.” Anton opened his prescription pad and began to scribble.

“I don’t need drugs Anton.”

“In my professional opinion you need rest, you’re wired Peter and I won’t take the risk.”

“Of what? Falling apart at the seams?”

“It is a possibility. As your doctor and under patient privilege I can tell you that to the casual observer you are fine, but to a trained eye you are exhibiting signs of depression. Since you will not allow me to treat you for that I will treat you for the obvious signs. Sleep, eat and rest, I will see you when you get back from Ontario.”

“Summarily dismissed?” Peter smiled.

“Unless you’re prepared to talk to me.”


“Let’s start with Lindsey.”

“No let’s not, I’m buying her dinner tonight and accepted her apology. Unless she stands me up I’m assuming she accepted mine.”

Anton smiled and relaxed. “That’s good Peter. Do you want to talk about Conner?”

Peter knew the question was coming and still he felt it like a gut punch as he sat quietly in the pleasant office. “Not particularly. I’ve said too much already.”

“How so?”

“In case you missed it there are still those who exhibit lingering homophobia in the ranks, Rollins being one of them.”

“Frank assigned you to his team in Ontario next week, are you okay with that?”

“On a case Curtis wouldn’t dare, but I can do without the snide remarks and wise cracks in private.”

“I wasn’t aware.”

“So it seems.”

“How far have you gone in the grief process?”


“Meaning you accept Conner is not coming back?”

“Yes, I’ve accepted that.”

“So his affairs have been sorted out?”

“The will was settled, his family have been taken care of.”

“Peter.” Anton asked slowly.


“Where are Conner’s personal things?”

“At home. No reason I should ditch them is there?”

“No.” Anton answered slowly. “What about the things you didn’t need to keep.”

“Such as?”


Peter blushed and looked away.

“You’ve kept them haven’t you? Still in the wardrobe?”


“It would be a start if you moved them out of the room you sleep in Peter, maybe pack them up when you come back from Ontario?”

“You’re beginning to sound like Matt. I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll do it with you if you want.”

“No.” Peter sighed heavily. “It’s not your problem Anton. Look give me the pills and I’ll be good and take them, but nothing else in my private life is your concern or the concern of the OSIR. If necessary I can quote chapter and verse to Elsinger as well. So if we are done?” Peter looked down at his watch and tapped the desk lightly.

Anton handed across the script and leaned back. “Take two an hour before you go to bed. No alcohol. They will give you no morning after affects.”

Peter eyed the script suspiciously before putting it into the inner pocket of his suede jacket.

“I won’t take them on a case Anton. I don’t think you can suspend me for that can you?”

“No, but you should start them tonight and get a couple of good nights in before you go. Peter, the door is open and contrary to the damned forms I am concerned about you. You fought for me too many times to count, I haven’t forgotten.”

“Thanks Anton.”


Matt Praeger paced around his house, the smell of new paint giving him a headache of manic proportion. Kelly had been thorough, outstandingly so, but there was some tiny piece that wasn’t working for him. Why bring a cryo team in prior to the explosion unless you were picking up living tissue?

He went back to the files on his desk and rifled through them again, four units. Four complete cryo units were pulled half way across Russia to retrieve damaged or dead specimens? He doubted it and pulled on a coat, prepared to walk the feeling off, something was not right.


Mike Kelly braced himself against the bar and watched Elisinger approach. His insides lurched and crawled as the man came closer and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“Hello Mike.”

“So,” Kelly drawled, “what have I done to deserve this honour.”

“Nothing out of the usual. You’ve kept Praeger very well informed.”

“Of?” Kelly drank slowly and was keenly aware of the black clad figures that hovered on the edge of the crowd. Elsinger’s minders were never far off these days, and absently Mike wondered if it was because he needed the protection or that he was no longer trusted.

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