A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“You do realise Matthew that you have Elsinger rattled.” Kelly drawled as he fell into step with his friend. Praeger’s answering smile was feral.

“Oh? Do tell.”

“He tracked me down to Gilhooleys and made certain I was aware that old drunks have accidents.”

“Not very subtle.” Praeger kept a shrewd eye on the sparse traffic that passed them.

“No, but for the sake of self preservation I’m going on a little holiday.”

“Did you find what you were looking for?”

“Ah yes, the cryo team headed down to Area 51.”

Matt grinned and it was not a pleasant sight. “Our little nest of vipers are government, I should have known.”

“Oh but there’s more, the officer signing off on the documents was none other the Colonel Jakob Carrol.”

“Whoa! Carrol was suspended from active duty for gross misconduct, what’s he doing at Area 51?”

“Friends in high places Matthew. I doubt the senate committee is aware, and that should be enough leverage to get the President moving. I’m assuming you’ll be heading out of town sooner rather than later?”

“Tonight. I have enough and Joel knows I’m on my way.”

“You told anyone else?”

“Only Peter and then not what I was doing.”

“Good idea. Your not concerned for him?”

“Of course I am but there’s not a lot more I can do but warn him.”

“You might like to know, that Rollins is booking Elsinger’s chair, and that he has a nasty habit of allowing gays to get hurt on his cases.”

“He’s got no chance, I happen to know that that chair will go to Hendricks.” Matt stopped in the middle of the street and ran his hand through his hair before putting the knitted cap back on.

“Elsinger is keeping the bases loaded.”

“Mike I know that smile, what have you got?” Praeger stopped and peered into his friend’s face.

“Let’s just say that when Elsinger goes so will Rollins. I have enough to suspend him and will get it to you when the time is right.” Kelly walked away and disappeared into the gloom. There was a time he considered Kelly his best friend, and although times had changed the dynamic of their relationship, for the moment he was relieved to know that they were both on the same side.


“Case number seven eight one nine, Case Manager Curtis Rollins reporting. We are on route to a small town in Ontario. Local law enforcement has requested assistance with a series of unexplained occurrences. Several youths have died for no apparent reason after attending a city dance club. Toxicology reports have been negative on the individuals. One of the youths involved has exhibited strange dissociative behaviour and classic symptoms of possession. Our contact is with Dr. Janet Radcliffe, Chief of Forensic Pathology for the Ontario PD. She is also a mother of one of the victims.” Rollins rolled his shoulders back and turned to look at the rest of his team in the back seat. “Lindsey I want you to start a complete background check on all the people at the club.”

“I’m assuming that the club has some registration of names?”

“It’s formally an under eighteen venue; all of the guests on the night of question were attending a private birthday party. The owner has already provided a list of names and addresses.” He handed a file over to her and she smiled. “Claire liase directly with Dr. Radcliffe, I know toxicology came back empty but maybe they weren’t looking for the right things. I’ve seen errant behaviour before being caused by high-grade street drugs. We’ll set up the mobile lab in town.”

“What of the possession?” Claire looked up from her file and thumbed through the reports.

“Sixteen year old male, good family, excellent student, captain of the school Hockey team. Have had no problems with the law or this type of behaviour.”

“Has he been reviewed by the religious community?” Claire closed the case file.

“Yes a local priest Fr.” Rollins paused and flipped through the pages. “Kelly. Father Kelly has been in attendance at the family home since the phenomena began. Axon.”

Peter’s head snapped up his eyes narrow slits. “Yes?”

“Full environmental study on the boy’s house first and then you and Ray take a look over at the club.”

“Local media got wind of this yet?” Ray Donohue asked.

“Yes, seems the Enquirer has the boy’s house staked out, the parents would be grateful if we could provide some privacy for them.”

“Have we considered moving the family to a different location?” Peter asked as he stared out the window.

“We have, secondary accommodation is available however, we’d prefer to resolve this case in situ, and if necessary the experiencer can be moved into a controlled environment.”

The black mini van stopped and Rollins turned in his seat. “Okay, let’s go to work.”

As they filed out Ray put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and spoke softly. “Be careful.” And then looked pointedly at Rollins. With a dull shake of his head he acknowledged with a small smile.

Four hours into the case and nothing new had been uncovered. Lindsey was still interviewing and had called in back up support, over sixty people were present on the night and was nearly impossible for her to track them all down. She finally narrowed the field to just six and concentrated her efforts on them whilst her unit searched the database for any irregularities.

The family home was the subject of a media circus and Ray set a perimeter with the help of the local police keeping the paparazzi away. It was late in the afternoon when Peter’s team finally handed him the review on the environmental studies before heading into the round table.

“Okay let’s have it. Ray?”

“Local police have secured the Moncrieff home, we’ve set a security perimeter and have our own people watching via closed circuit video link.”

“Background checks prove negative on the family, Paul has no history of drug related incidents and has always been an honor student. Few pranks in the school grounds but nothing that would suggest that this is normal behaviour for him.”

“Claire?” Rollins smiled. “You’ve tested the subject?”

“Yes I’m still waiting for several tox screens to come back but all normal investigations have proved to be either inconclusive or negative. I should have them within the hour.”

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