A Quiet Presence. Part I

Автор:  Ravenschild

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“So what do you want?” Elsinger put his cup down and folded his hands across his lap.

“Right now? For you to leave.”

Elsinger stood up. “Then I’ll go, for now. But for the future Peter, what is it you want?”

“All that you wouldn’t understand and that you cannot give.” Peter answered distractedly.

“I understand that you loved Connor, and I miscalculated badly. I can assure you that it won’t happen again.”

Peter closed his eyes for a moment. “I can assure you I won’t give you the opportunity. You can find your own way out.”


Matt Praeger paced like a caged animal, his long legs eating up the ground as he went over and over the information that roiled in his brain. Finally he came to a halt, and turned. He knew that Elsinger wouldn’t let Peter go without a fight, however, he needed to make sure Peter stayed safe for the short term and keeping him under wraps at Central Lab was the only sure way he knew.

“Frank.” Praeger shoved open the door, heedless of the protests of Elsinger’s secretary.

“Not that this isn’t a pleasure to see you Matthew, knocking would have been appropriate.” Elsinger waved his secretary away as she hovered behind the lanky case manager. “Since you’re here, what is it you want?” Elsigner pitched his voice softly using the sibilant tone to irritate, as he knew it would.

“We need to discuss Axon.”

“Indeed?” Elsinger steepled his fingers and nodded to the seat. “Why should we need to discuss him?”

Matt fought back the urge to ram his fist down the man’s throat and sat down composing himself. He knew to get what he wanted meant he had to play by Frank’s rules, however distasteful that might be.

“On Friday night Axon made it clear he would be handing in his resignation. Since he’s not been in Central for the last few days I can only assume you’ve accepted it.”

“No, he’s taking some time off to consider his options. I saw him on Friday night as well, he seemed pre-occupied.”

“I see good news travels fast. I won’t even presume that you don’t know what’s going on with him, so let’s make this brief and fast. You need to keep him here at Central, I believe that to allow him into the private sector would be a breach of security.” Matt swallowed the sour lie as he stared Frank down; aware he had given him all the ammunition he needed to keep Peter in situ. He only hoped that he would be able to make at least one thing right that Frank had destroyed, but to do that he needed time.

“Since we are speaking frankly I assure you that we have made him an offer that is more than generous with all the perks he will have at Harvard. The option is his and his alone to take. Perhaps you should look to the dynamics of the team and convince him to stay yourself.”

“Would that I could old friend.” Matt dropped the words that he knew would take Elsinger off guard and watched the man relax. “I’ve spoken to Hendricks and he feels that Axon is exhibiting signs of anhedonia.”

“In simple English Matthew, if you don’t mind.”

“In simple terms, he’s going through the motions, it is a clinical sign of depression. He has no interest in anything, put him in the field and he is mechanically the best, even on occasion brilliant, but outside of that? He doesn’t socialize, he rarely sleeps- which in itself could be dangerous on a case. What happens when all of that anger and energy are no longer directed towards himself but externally?”

“Are you suggesting that Axon is heading for a breakdown?”

Matt looked down at his hands. ‘Forgive me Peter, please’ he begged silently before answering. “Yes, I think it’s possible. We’ve had enough problems with Kelly in the past, how much damage do you think someone like Axon will wreak should he be allowed free voice in his current state?”

“Not a great deal, Matt. I understand your concern but there isn't anything I can do.”

“Okay then try this, Axon’s been offered the chair over at Harvard, respected by his peers, rich, well known and liked in various circles. He comes from a good solid family with no evidence of paranoia or mental health issues. Despite his single mindedness he is rock solid to the community at large. Am I painting a picture for you here Frank?”

Elsinger nodded.

“Take said scientist with an executive position in the OSIR and let him loose on an unsuspecting public. Without evidence his words, his manner and his position are enough to cause wide spread concern. There are things here that even people with top-level security are not allowed access too. And Peter can get the entire establishment under a senate committee indictment by doing nothing more than being there. Is this something we want?”

Elsinger drew a deep breath. “No and I do see the profile you’ve built as being dangerous. But, I don’t buy you finally becoming a company man, what’s this really about Matt?”

Matt laughed. “Saw through me huh? Despite my personal feelings for my team, I have to safeguard the lives of many who rely on their jobs and who believe in what they do.”

“Fits your profile. Alright, lets hypothetically say I buy this company concern, what is it you want from me?”

“Simply find a way to keep Axon here on staff. Give Anton and Sonja time to get him into therapy and establish a drug protocol. Once we’re sure he’s stable then let him go. If the chair at Harvard is serious then they’ll wait a term for him to finalize his contract there.”

“I know the Dean, I’ll talk to him. In the meantime I suggest you and Hendricks visit our wayward scientist.”

Matt rose and headed towards the door ignoring the betrayal of his friend until he could take it out and analyse it in the privacy of his own grief.


“While I am certain you have made your decision Dr. Axon, you still have duties to perform here before we can release you from your contract.” Elsinger peered over his glasses at the young man in his office. Peter for his part scowled as he read the documents in his hand and leaned back.

“Such as?” His voice was dead level and calm, a sure sign of an approaching storm.

“If you go to page thirty one of the contract subsection eleven, paragraph six, under the heading of security, ‘the OSIR has the right to retain the services of any person/s who may prove to be a security risk for a period of not more than ninety days and not less than thirty days, until such time as the risk is eliminated or the individual has been sufficiently debriefed as to no longer represent a security concern. Evaluations are to be completed by resident medical and security personal.’ I’ve taken the liberty of assigning you to a debriefing session with Dr. Hendricks at ten am tomorrow morning.”

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